Parinaz Mansourimajoumerd

Parinaz Mansourimajoumerd

State College, PA, US


Healthcare Education

The healthcare educational facility, also a research center for disability equipment development and experimentation, integrates parametric design options using Grasshopper and Rhino. Operational carbon emissions are minimized through Cove.tool's analysis, optimizing building mass and shading. Tally is employed to assess embodied carbon emissions, guiding material selection. The layout prioritizes interactive learning and accessibility, fostering hands-on training opportunities. Dedicated research spaces facilitate experimentation with assistive devices and therapeutic interventions. Collaboration with academia and industry enhances innovation. The design harmonizes education, research, and sustainability goals, aiming to empower healthcare professionals and advance disability care practices.

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Status: School Project
Location: Philadelphia, PA, US
My Role: Both of the team members work on all of the design parts.