Nourhan Bassam

Nourhan Bassam

Milan, IT


The Gendered City

“The Gendered City” is an ongoing project that I have created to amplify and draw attention to the restrictions and failures that women face in cities. The project aims to raise awareness about the ways in which cities have been designed and structured in ways that often exclude and marginalize women, and to promote gender equity and social justice in urban life.
The project includes a range of activities and initiatives, including research, advocacy, and community engagement. I conduct research to better understand the experiences and perspectives of women in cities, including their mobility patterns, safety concerns, and access to economic and social opportunities. I also engage in advocacy efforts to promote gender-sensitive design and policymaking.

I am about to publish, a book with the same name that draws from my series "How cities keep failing women" and sheds light on the ways in which cities have been failing women. I highlight some of the key areas where women face barriers to full participation in urban life, including mobility, economic empowerment, safety, and representation. My book argues that it is past time for cities to address these omissions and subordinate situations and to promote gender equity and social justice in urban life.

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