
AA Visiting School in France -Grands Ateliers

Digital Techniques applied to Earth Construction



Apr '15 - Apr '15

  • Chocolate and Other powders- Mud and Digital Research

    By steph chaltiel
    Apr 26, '15 10:30 AM EST


    Chocolate and Other Powders. Earth and Digital Ongoing Research

    Thursday 25 June – Saturday 4 July 2015


    There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, there is a rapture on the lonely shore, there is society, where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar: I love not man the less, but Nature more.

    -- George Gordon, Lord Byron

    For the 3rd edition of our Mud & Digital AA Visiting School, We will keep on cutting our way through the pathless woods and work together as an experimental lab, to define new structures that never were before.
    We will embark on Experiments using our body, letting our inner child go free and get dirty, and our natural tendency to enjoy touching the material when it is paste, when it is powder, when it is sprayed, when it is stretched. We’ll define new verbs together.

    We’ll continue our quest for the Holy Grail to lead on using the CNC machine as a giant 3 D printer for earth. 
    We will use Elvis the small robot to pour and spray mixes of earth, fibres, sand, olive oil, washing liquid. 
    We’ll define new ingredients to improve the taste of our recipe together.
    Using fabric as a formwork to establish thin earthen shells of different geometries and morphologies has reached new paradigms for us. 
    We’ll maintain the intensity and develop this field.

    Finally, using earth to fabricate prefabs is a domain that has been rarely investigated.
    We’re proud of continuing the 1m earthen tiles we’ve started last year to reach manufacturing perfection and patents potential.
    Our energy will be deployed to re-invent new social realities, and to explore new alternatives in Emergen(t)cy sustainable housing.

    Les Grands Ateliers de L’Isle d’Abeau
    Impasse du Pont, 38090 Villefontaine, France

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About this Blog Lyon Chocolate and Other Powders. Earth and Digital Ongoing Research Thursday 25 June – Saturday 4 July 2015 There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, there is a rapture on the lonely shore, there is society, where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar: I love not man the less, but Nature more. -- George Gordon, Lord Byron For the 3rd edition of our Mud & Digital AA Visiting School, We will keep on cutting our way through the path

Authored by:

  • steph chaltiel

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