I have a backround in a couple different fields. I did 2 years of Architecture, then 1.5 years of Interior Design and then finally got my degree in Drafting and Design. Although my real passion is Architecture. I am fluent in many different programs, I am a quick leaner and love learning knew things. Anything that helps me get farther in my career. I believe I would be a great addition to any Architecture Firm.
New York City Department of Parks & Recreation, Saratoga Springs, NY, US, Drafter/Designer
I have many different tasks. I will take old hand drawning and draft them into CAD for future work. I will start projects from scratch and design and draft them myself. I have most recently done an additon for Moreau State Park main office. I will draft up and help design anything my bosses ask me to. I have done anything from buildings to decks to bridges.
Sage of Albany, Albany, NY, US, Interior Design
HVCC, Troy, NY, US, Architecture
Honor Roll, Other
Perfect Attendence, Other