Luke Turner

Luke Turner

Naperville, IL, US

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"The current relationship between the social, the natural and the built world has caused me to reconsider my purpose but not my passions. Since I was a young, I've dreamt of a world so deeply connected to nature that those who lived in it would be subjected to its positive health and spiritual effects. Today I realize that if there is ever a time to start moving towards this possibility, it is now. Humans are seemingly more open to change and a new infrastructure begs for consideration through numerous issues, including abandonment and accessibility. It is impossible to be completely separated from nature because we are constantly feeling its effects. The introduction of Air Conditioning as a necessity within the home, marks a distinct separation from the outside, as windows began to close. Therefore, is the time for adaptation through design. Creating natural ventilation and thermal comfort through identifying wind direction and solar patterns. Increasing the number of plants with high respiration rates to increase air quality. Water quality is now a large issue as well. Not only do I strive to restructure our tangible separations from nature, in cities and suburbs, I want to reestablish a positive relationship. Currently, I feel there has been a large shift in architecture's role towards a more sustainable and efficient approach. I would love to bring the topic of environmental research into the conversation. I do not wish to patent a new spire design nor do I have a passion for the revitalization of classical architecture. We are solving architectural problems with different ones. The incredible health effects of natural ventilation, sunlight and plant life cannot be ignored any longer. Sustainable efforts need to take place and outside the (architectural) box thinking is more than necessary. I am excited for the future!" - Luke



Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, US, BArch, Architecture

I received a bachelors in the Architecture program with a specialization in landscape and urban studies. I had a focus on ecology as well.

Aug 2017 - May 2021
