Luis Lozada

Luis Lozada

Davie, FL


Ritz Carlton, Coconut Grove

The client wanted her Condo at the Ritz Carlton in Coconut Grove to express Florida and the Tropics.

Her new space is in a very high floor and the views are spectacular.  Our Inspiration for the color palette was taken directly from the sky, water and sand.

Custom furniture was placed in the family room, wood floors in all the spaces.

Contemporary and traditional pieces. I love the complementary contrast of putting everything together in one room in a way that fits.

Together, we created the perfect space-- a place that's clean, comfortable and contemporary yet electric, and also highlights the best of the ocean views they love.

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Status: Built
Location: Coconut Grove, FL, US
Firm Role: Remodeling and Custom Wood Work, Entire Decoration of furniture, lighting and accessories
Additional Credits: USA Tile, Michael O, Decorative Crafts, Brown Jordan, Madelli, FW Supply