The project examines the intersection between spaces of leisure/recreation and data center. As the need for data infrastructure increase, it’s time to transform the conventional impression of dullness, inaccessibility, utilitarianization into that of fun, interaction, and multifunctionality. ‘Machinic Chimeras’ -- perceives architectural form as parts of a larger, self-organizing, adapting, material process. Our methodology begins with reconsidering the ‘ composite hybridity’ of the Chimera, as a generative point of departure to re-conceptualize machinic and leisure spaces.. “Chimeras are synthetic –produced through synthesis , a combination of parts forming an entity rather than artificial– a copy from the authentic model defined by its opposition to the original. Their unique nature positions chimeras in radical opposition to an imitation or a fake. Even though the terms “synthetic” and “artificial” are casually used interchangeably, there is a difference in the precise ways they refer to “unnatural ” or “manufactured” phenomena. The composite hybridity within chimeras makes that difference evident.
Status: School Project
Location: New York, NY, US
My Role: Designing, Modeling, Rendering, Drawing
Additional Credits: Riki Han (Designing, Modeling, Rendering, Drawing)