Laura Santa Rodriguez

Laura Santa Rodriguez

Santiago de Cali, CO


Urban regeneration through a multi-scale courtyard intervention in the city center of Bogotá, Colombia

The thesis explores an alternative solution for an urban renovation project in the neighbourhood of Fenicia, located in city center of Bogotá, Colombia. This solution is reached by studying the historical relevance of the area along with its development in the architectural and social areas, going back to the foundation of the city in 1622 and the original development of the area in 1810. This process is done to fully understand the current conditions and how to improve it through a project of urban renovation that is deeply rooted in the essence of the neighbourhood to be intervened. The design parameters taken into account came from the original morphology of the city in the time of the neighbourhood’s first appearance, for the urban layout, and the facades and typology of the Spanish colonial courtyard house, for the typological proposal.

The project challenges the current way in which these interventions are being tackled by local architects and local authorities, casting light towards a new way of approaching urban renovation with a more historically sensible aim. The result is a renewed urban block that improves its over intensification with the implementation of an “urban courtyard” that articulates the different land uses present in the area and enhances the relationships with the natural environment and the mountain.

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Status: School Project
Location: Bogotá, CO
My Role: Urban designer
Additional Credits: Santiago Jidy Citarella, Angela Diaz Sanchez