
LUNAS Diversity Badge

Female owned

Montreal, QC, CA


L-Room for modular homes, features demonstration

Our performant tool L-Room was designed for interior projects and allows to present different design solutions. But its' functions are not limited and it also can be used in other cases, for exemple, for modular homes! The trend for modular homes is becoming ever more widespread and rocks the real estate market. It's no suprise - with a superb space organization, quick turnaround of construction and customization, modular homes have enough to attract admirers. But how do you decide on the final look of the construction? With L-Room, nothing could be easier! Choose the materials of interior or exterior finishes, change the roof or other design elements, organize the interior space to your liking, and above all choose the location of your future residence

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Status: Built
Firm Role: 3d visualization studio