Jade Orr

Jade Orr

Los Angeles, CA, US


Through Memory: Reimagining a Future by Looking to the Past

This project was a conceptual design for the site of the Rodney King Uprisings in South Los Angeles. The project looked at the site through the lens of memory and sought to incorporate the existing relics on the site while revealing the layered history of the area. What was lost on the site, was just as important as what remained and we wanted to highlight that through our scheme. The proposal aimed to incorporate the current needs of the community while solidifying spaces for appropriated uses already taking place on site. The proposal incorporated remant architecture left on site, while looking at the surrounding context of neighborhoods and schools to increase public interest and investment in this long vacated site. 

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Status: School Project
Location: South Los Angeles, CA, US
My Role: I developed a conceptual plan with a fellow student and created the attached renderings for the project