Negative aspects in the present situation:
_Poor Lighting (it is a really dark place at night) that produces a feeling of insecurity
_Neglected landscape: the green areas are devastated and the place looks unattended.
_The connections with the city are unresolved. Many streets have a dead end in the connection with the park limits.
_Lack of urban furniture: there are almost no benches.
_Exploit river landscape: Create a friendlier landscape combined with recreational use.
_Create the new facade of the city: Improve lighting to create a facade of suggestive city from across the river
_New recreational areas: Public buildings (Museums) + Bars, Restaurants, Pubs (Perfect Area: Noise doesn’t bother anyone there) Shelters to protect people from the hard weather.
_Resolve conections whith the city: Offer the new space to the city more frankly.
Status: School Project
Location: Kraków, PL
My Role: Project manager/Architect