Free School of Architecture

Free School of Architecture

Los Angeles, CA


Free School of Architecture Announces Inaugural Class for 2017

By FreeSchoolofArchitecture
Mar 9, '17 2:28 PM EST

Tuition free architectural education to launch June 1, 2017 

The Free School of Architecture (FSA) is honored to announce its inaugural student body for 2017.

30 students drawn from across the globe will join the recently launched, tuition-free Los Angeles based school. 6 standby positions will be offered to supplement the class, bringing the 2017 FSA student body size to 36 students or three times the school’s initial goal of sitting 12 students.

Reflective of FSA’s ambitions to promote diversity and free access to knowledge, the school’s student body make up is a barometer of the issues and challenges facing the academy and the profession.

FSA is honored to announce a student body that is diverse, global and inclusive:

Norah Altwaijri, West Hollywood, California

Eric Baldwin, Culver City, California

Roni Zachor Barak, Berlin, Germany

Patrice Chang, Alhambra, California

Ruta Cicenaite, Alytus, Lithuania

Elisha Cohen, Oakland, California

Javier Fresneda, San Diego, California

Jennifer Garrison, Brooklyn, New York

Andrew K. Green, Lancashire, UK

Nikole Guzman, Los Angeles, California

Gayane Hamazaspyan, Yerevan, Armenia

Crystal Huang, Duarte, California

Miriam Jacobsen, Los Angeles, California

Andrew Jennings, Chicago, Illinois

Eira Mooney, London, UK

Robert Mothershed, Alhambra, California

Connor Murphy-Boyd, Sierra Madre, California

Benjamin N. Ortega, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Morgen Peers, East York, Canada

Christiana Pitsillidou, Parnithos, Cyprus

Alvaro Puertas Villavicencio, Lima, Perú

Harsha Royyuru, Los Angeles, California

Julius Saptian, Jakarta, Indonesia

Jonathan Sharp, Los Angeles, California

Emily L. Silva, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Charlotte Spitzfaden, New Canaan, Connecticut

Aleksander Tokarz, Mexico City, Mexico

Dexter Walcott, Fort Smith, Arkansas

Sam Winks, Ridgewood, New York

Philippine Wright, Colchester, UK


About the Free School of Architecture

The Free School of Architecture (FSA) is a tuition free, not-for-profit organization.

Founded by educator and designer Peter Zellner in 2016, the Free School of Architecture will explore the edges of architectural education-- promoting free inquiry, free discourse and free debate.

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