First Design Studio

First Design Studio

Isfahan, IR


Persian garden (paradise) in the 9th International garden Expo – Beijing China

There is a seductive simplicity to the design and articulation of the new “Persian Paradise” that is a delightful and profound pavilion.  Seductive, not just because the materials are simple brick, delicate wooden lattices, glass and glazed floor tiles, but also because in fact the design is not simple. Rather, it is complex overlay of spiraling and then inverted geometries, creating a gravitational center of contemplation based on continuous movement and flow.  A center that pulls the visitor inwards and into the space of the ordered geometry of a Persian “four-garden”, only to cast all movement back outward and upward to the ascending levels of the pavilion.

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Status: Built
Location: Fengtai, CN
Firm Role: Principle architect
Additional Credits: Gemini Global Trading co. ltd
Navid malakuti
Babak Mirzabaqi
Masih Taheri
Firuzeh Keivanfar
Saeed Iranpour
Mohammad Saeed Moavi
Shahab Shamaeizadeh