Ethan Abot

Ethan Abot

Seal Beach, CA, US

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To me, Design is all about life; complex, interactive, fluid, dynamic, and most importantly alive! I am a designer with an appetite for knowledge, understanding, and innovation. My background is deeply rooted in Art, Architecture, Building Technologies, and Information Technology with an accumulated experience of almost 9 years in higher education. My recent career highlights are National Science Foundation grant recipient for innovative design solutions, and several collaborations with different design companies working on different scopes of projects from Design Development to my latest intelligent parametric systems. Learning and Teaching to me are complementary and actually the most intrinsic process of reinforcing my skillset. I have developed my collaboration skills through supporting and leading teams both in my career and academia.


Bionimate, Seal Beach, CA, US, Computational Designer

- Investigating the possible methods of biodegrading materials toward a more sustainable construction goal.
- National Science Foundation fund recipient for Innovative interior solutions.
Parametric Product Designer
- Redefining Architectural intelligence by combining multiple Machine Learning algorithms and Proximity Sensors for BIM purposes.
- Researching Product and Architectural Solutions for Responding to Pandemics and Disasters.
- innovating and designing futuristic alternatives to address issues of Housing, Transportation, Agriculture, and Global warming.
- investigating the possible methods of biodegrading materials toward a more sustainable construction goal.

May 2020 - Jan 2021

UNC Charlotte School of Arts and Architecture, Charlotte, NC, US, Research Assistant

- Rhino Inside and BIM component and computational parametric scripts development to address different Generic and parametric problems and for Data Analysis on BIM models.
- Accomplishing single and multiple Robots Code and Control for manufacturing purposes ranging from Brick Stacking to Multiple 3d Printing technologies.
- Programming and manufacturing of Robots for design implementations like drawing on different types of surfaces and using Lidar, Motion, and Light sensors for 3D scanning spaces.
- Integrating different Technologies from Body Motion Suits to Drones to further investigate the applications of these technologies in Architecture.
- Optimizing the workload of Design companies by developing Revit API Plugins to emphasize the role of the designer by instantly providing different alternatives and cost analysis based on initial need-finding of the project and Previous Archive of companies Projects.

Aug 2018 - May 2020

UT, Tehran, IR, Technology Researcher

- Designing Robots and Robots, soft robotics, and skins for the industry.
- Exploring dynamic Structural solutions for the construction industry.
- Material ecology and manufacturing of Composite materials for Architectural purposes.
- Developing Form Finding strategies by researching Bionic and Biomimicry approaches.

Aug 2015 - Nov 2017

Archotonic Design Group, Tehran, IR, CEO/Founder

- Renovation of more than 10 homes and stores in which 5 of them fully demolished, redesigned, and reconstructed.
- Development of precast parts and joints for interior and construction purposes.
- Building of CAD Construction Document Development library and details for other companies and Market.
- Introducing Multiple Parametric Workshops using Grasshopper in Rhino to investigate different exterior and interior solutions.

Apr 2013 - Dec 2015

BanaPars, Tehran, IR, Designer

- Leading a team of designers to Research and Design Brick Formations and details for commercial implementation of the material.
- Project assessment and Analysis of initials stages of the design of Large Multi-Purpose Structures.
- Cooperating between multiple firms for the Production of Construction Documents and Monitoring Construction Processes.

Dec 2012 - Jul 2014


UNCC, Charlotte, NC, US, Masters, Architecture

developing the knowledge to lead the integration of the computer into architectural practice and research. As firms rely more and more on computation, those who know how to think, program, and script will be able to change the way architects design and practice. We see the day fast approaching when the IT department at firms is not separate but rather is at the core of what architects do. Already, in advanced practices across the world, computing and design are completely intertwined. UNC Charlotte has a variety of facilitates associated with this program including an advanced Digital Fabrication Lab including a KUKA KR-60 Robotic Arm, an Interaction Design Lab, the UNC Charlotte Visualization Center.

Aug 2018 - May 2020

UNCC, Charlotte, NC, US, Masters, Information Technology

developing the knowledge to lead the integration of the computer into architectural practice and research. As firms rely more and more on computation, those who know how to think, program, and script will be able to change the way architects design and practice. We see the day fast approaching when the IT department at firms is not separate but rather is at the core of what architects do. Already, in advanced practices across the world, computing and design are completely intertwined. UNC Charlotte has a variety of facilitates associated with this program including an advanced Digital Fabrication Lab including a KUKA KR-60 Robotic Arm, an Interaction Design Lab, the UNC Charlotte Visualization Center.

Aug 2018 - May 2020

UT, Tehran, IR, Masters, Building Technology

- History and Theory of Building Systems and Architectural Components
- Statics of Architectural Structures
- Advanced Bionic Studies of Biomimcy and Bionic Design
- Building Systems
- Sustainable Strategies
- Materials: New and Old
- Systems Integration

Aug 2014 - Dec 2017

Iaum, Mashhadsar, IR, BArch, Architectural Engineering

Dec 2008 - Aug 2013

Areas of Specialization 
