I am interested in the social production and use of space, mainly as a driving force that influences design and life. My dissertation is on the topic of cities as a social community, the city as a living citizen. Utilizing research found in all sectors of life, from governance to economics, I plan to grasp a much deeper understanding of the social needs of a community and how to plan and design accordingly. This will help my future career as I will be able to truly design for the social context.
My architectural interests lie in sustainability, more so, the triple bottom line of sustainability. While my formal education and interests are in conceptual and environmental design, my passions lie in social sustainability and how architecture can influence society. I have been labeled an idealist, polemist, and an utopian dreamer, but I have an opinion that architecture can have the most positive influence on society by shaping the built environment to better fit everyone fairly.
EoA / Malcolm Berg, Coral Gables, FL, US, Architectural Designer
Architectural | Graphic | Social | Environmental Designer & Postgraduate Student, Sheffield, GB, Designer
2012 Isover Multi-Comfort House Shortlist with Jordan Lloyd and Chris Matthews:
- Shortlisted and Commended by the Architect's Journal for our "Imaginative and Controversial" Self-Build strategy for sustainable homes in the Nottingham Trent Basin area. One juror wanted to live there most and a few others wanted disqualify the entry for challenging the brief beyond numbers and data...to a more socially sustainable future of development.
The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, GB, Masters, Masters in Sustainable Architectural Studies
Masters in Sustainable Architectural Studies, Architecture, Social Design
2011 – 2012
Master's Dissertation : Cities as a Social Community, bringing the city back down to a humanistic social scale.
Dissertation Link: http://issuu.com/ericchancellor/docs/eric_chancellor_msc_sas_dissertation?mode=window&backgroundColor=%23222222
Florida Atlantic University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, US, BArch, Bachelors of Architecture
Special Commendation from the Architect's Journal, Isover Multi-Comfort House, Honorable Mention
2012 Isover Multi-Comfort House Shortlist with Jordan Lloyd and Chris Matthews:
Shortlisted and Commended by the Architect's Journal for our "Imaginative and Controversial" Self-Build strategy for sustainable homes in the Nottingham Trent Basin area. One juror wanted to live there most and a few others wanted disqualify the entry for challenging the brief beyond numbers and data...to a more socially sustainable future of development. http://www.vimeo.com/38120306
Twice showcased on the Architect's Journal Footprint Sustainability blog., Other
Was twice showcased in Hattie Hartman's sustainability blog for the AJ. Both my Trent Bank Competition entry and the Birmingham Eco-Hotel were featured. I am proud to say out of only four projects chosen in this round of publication, two were mine.
Architectural Research Consortium Award, Award
2011 Recipient of the Architectural Research Council Consortium Award: Nominated by my professors at FAU and awarded for excellence in research.
Award of Excellence in Research, Florida Atlantic University, 1st Place
Competition for Re-design of FAU Campus Quad, 1st Place
To re-design an unused quadrangle on FAU satellite campus.