Elena Tepavac is a Junior Interior Project Manager at an architecture firm that specializes in high-end residential single family homes. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Toronto and a Master of Design in Interior Studies graduate degree from the Rhode Island School of Design. She is interested in expanding her multidisciplinary design skill set and exploring new career opportunities.
Portuondo & Perotti Architects, Miami, FL, US, Junior Interior Project Manager
Generated and produced construction document sets for large projects including millwork designs, as well as realizing preliminary budgets, appliances, plumbing and material schedules.
RISD INTAR Department of Interior Architecture, Providence, RI, US, Masters, Interior Architecture
Interiors Studies with an emphasis on Adaptive Re-Use projects.
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CA, Bachelors, Life Sciences
Dual bachelors degree in Biodiversity and Conservation & Art History.