Ecosa Institute

Ecosa Institute

Prescott, AZ

Biological Treatment System for Arts Center, Prescott, Arizona
Biological Treatment System for Arts Center, Prescott, Arizona
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Eco-Machine – Biological Treatment System for Arts Center

Ecosa students completed a design to install an eco-machine waste treatment system for a new arts center housed in a historic downtown building in Prescott, AZ which underwent extensive renovations. The tight urban location challenged the students to integrate the eco-machine into the site and the building design.This student collaboration produced both a full report and poster board describing their concept to pre-treat water prior to discharge using purely biological processes.

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Status: School Project
Location: Prescott, AZ, US
Additional Credits: Ecosa Institute alumni, Jeffrey Frisch and Shann Aharon

Agroecology and Aquaculture in MBITA, Kenya
Agroecology and Aquaculture in MBITA, Kenya
Living City Design: Prescott 2035
Living City Design: Prescott 2035
Model Susainable Village: Duayee Vocational School, Liberia
Model Susainable Village: Duayee Vocational School, Liberia