I'm an interior and graphic designer; my greatest passion and interest is travelling as much as I can!
I love discovering other cultures and meet new people; I think this is the best way to be stimulated in my job and my life as well!!!
As a matter of fact, I spent 8 months in Canada and I hope to move soon to another country.
In this way I will meet new cultures and explore different design solutions working in a creative moods in a team of innovation solutions.
Beluga & Töchter, Vienna, AT, Interior Designer (Training Program)
After I won a grant with the Leonardo Da Vinci project, I worked as Interior Designer in several projects, as Urban Designer for a workshop in Mexico City, as Movie Designer for many videos about the companies.
In all the projects I was also doing the graphic part.
Dr. Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden, Vancouver, BC, CA, Graphic Designer (Internship Student)
I worked as an intern at the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden of Vancouver, during my stay in Canada.
It was a great experience because I was supposed to be a salesperson at the giftshop but my boss understood my skills and she involved me in lot of activities!
So I worked as Graphic Designer in order to create a Christmas advertisement campaign.
Isad, Milano, IT, Masters, Interior Design
First Level Degree Master: tv set design, hotel design, exhibit design, garden design, retail design, minimal space design.
PoliDesign - Consorzio del Politecnico di Milano, Milano, IT, Masters, Outdoor Spaces Design
High Training Course in design of public and private outdoor spaces.
Ef International School of English, Vancouver, BC, CA, Advanced English and Media&Arts Course
Advanced study of the English language.
Media & Arts course: animation, web design, graphic design, drawing, photography, movie design.
Politecnico di Milano, Milan, IT, BArch, Interior Design
Shortened Degree, Interior Design: I attended the Industrial Design Faculty during the first year.
Liceo Classico Parini, Milano, IT, High School, Classical and Humanistic Studies
Classical Studies Graduation, Humanistic subjects with an add of scientific subjects number of hours.