Enrique Lowinger

Enrique Lowinger

New York, NY, US

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Since 2001 I've worked in Israel in a wide variety of fields around the architectural design process, a year on an Israeli municipality in charge of building permits, 1.5 years with a transportation engineer, 3+ years with a landscape architect, 5+ years with entrepreneurs, learning about the administration and costs of building and design and 12+ years in architectural offices, working on a variety of projects, from feasibility studies, urban design to interior design but mostly on high density, mixed used projects.  As project architect I lead the design team, coordinating all the technical fields and the municipality requirements, that in Israel can be a real burden.

I have travelled extensively being fortunate enough to visit architectural landmarks around the world, including the UAE, most European capitals, Morocco and of course Latin America and the US.  

I have a master's degree in theatre arts (theory, writing and directing) which though me the meaning of aesthetics, how to "build a story" and the how to turn an idea into a presentation, concepts parallel to the design of a city or a building.  I consider myself an expert in resolving complex design challenges. I'm also skilled in Revit and an AutoCAD expert, and can easily learn any other software.

Furthermore, I am currently seeking a meaningful design position within your organization and look forward to discussing any open positions that you may have and how best we can work together to achieve your office's goals.


Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IL, Masters, Master in Theatre

Writing, Directing, Performance, Aesthetics.

Nov 1998 - Feb 2001

Universidad Católica Santa María La Antigua (USMA), Panama City, PA, BArch, Structural Architecture

Architecture and Engineering.

Jan 1992 - Jun 1997


North Hertzlya Urban Design, 3rd Place

Designing a new quarter for thousands of apartments.


Urban Design, 3rd Place

Designing a neglected area south of Tel Aviv

