This is an innovative form of a theme hotel design sited in New York’s gallery district. It advocates the interrelationship between art and the general public by having space for making and exhibiting art with lodging. It is equipped with a system of mobile space unit as to accommodate art and lodging functions at different scale and dimension. As a result of the flexibility, various programs can happen simultaneously in any specific part of the building that is adjacent to any related activities. Program arrangement can also vary according to the demand and activities throughout time.
Culturally its spatial flexibility feature also reflects and inherits the ever-changing urban function in the cities, especially in Chelsea - the post industrial artsy neighborhood. Hotel: Art Incubator takes a critical stance on preserving art culture in the neighborhood against commercialization and gentrification. By having the hotel that brings hotel customers and situates them in front of the art and its production chain, the bond of funding and interaction between general public and the art is therefore strengthened.
Status: School Project
Location: Chelsea, NYC
Additional Credits: With a great gratitude to the instructor Andrew Kudless and his help and the extra time spent throughout and outside of the studio.