Christian Galicia

Christian Galicia

San Diego, CA, US

States Of Flow
States Of Flow

States Of Flow

The term "States-Of-Flow" to describe a design approach that focuses on creating fluid and adaptable urban spaces that can respond to changing social and economic conditions.

The States-Of-Flow approach seeks to challenge traditional methods of urban planning, which often prioritize large-scale development projects and ignore the needs and perspectives of local communities. Instead, this approach emphasizes collaboration and co-creation with residents, as well as a focus on the informal and often overlooked urban spaces that exist in cities.

States-Of-Flow involves an ongoing process of observing, experimenting, and adjusting, with a particular emphasis on the social, economic, and cultural factors that shape urban life. This approach requires a deep understanding of the local context and the unique needs and aspirations of the community, as well as a willingness to be flexible and adaptable in response to changing circumstances.

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Status: School Project
Location: San Diego, CA, US - Tijuana, Mex.
My Role: Research and Mapping
Additional Credits: Source: Own elaboration based on research inspiration and mappings by Teddy Cruz.