Canyon Studio Architects

Canyon Studio Architects

Altadena, CA


Jasmine Gardens Senior Housing Development

Jasmine Gardens is a phased 124 unit, 194,000 square foot affordable Senior Housing Community located on a 4 acre parcel in Hemet, CA.

Amenities include a Community Center with pool, spa and trellised barbecue area, a botanic garden walking trail that also serves as an infiltration pond to retain surface water on the site, community outdoor patios and terraces, covered parking garages, perimeter fencing with security entry, circular drive drop-off and a garden setting.  

The project offers many sustainable strategies such as reflective roofing to reduce solar heat gain, light-colored, permeable paving materials, use of native, drought-tolerant landscaping and tree-lined walkways to provide a cooling overhead canopy.

Each unit has over 100 square feet of private outdoor balcony space, stone kitchen counter tops, handicapped adaptable kitchens and bathrooms, and sustainable, non-VOC building materials.

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Hemet, CA, US
Firm Role: Architect