Calvinho & Partners

Calvinho & Partners Diversity Badge

Female owned

Lisbon, PT


Holmes Place (Health Club) - Quinta da Beloura

Building integrated in Beloura Office Park. The language and plastic expression of the exterior follow the aesthetic criteria of this urban complex.

The Health Club is spread over 3 floors above ground and 2 in the basement, in conjunction with an extensive and demanding program.

Environments created with the presence of a very strong and affirmative element, natural light. The chosen materials followed criteria of durability and resistance to wear, as well as seeking to respond to the conceptual desire of a luminous club, with simple shapes and light colors, which conveyed serenity.

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Status: Built
Location: Sintra, PT
Firm Role: Architecture and coordination of works
Additional Credits: Acribia (Engineering)
Quadrante (Structural Projects)