dom cox

dom cox

Kakamega, KE


Passive House Achill Ireland

Another new house designed to Passive Haus Institute standards, under the direction of Mark Stephens CPHD RIBA MRIAI.

An unaffected architectural composition set in the halcyon landscape of Ireland’s West coast, its elements average 0.13 W/(m2K) thermal transmittance.

Mechanical ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR), robust airtightness detailing and sedulous thermal-bridge suppression, meeting the RIBA’s 2030 Climate Challenge, CoP 26 NetZero targets, and sustainable development goals (SDGs).

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Achill Sound, IE
My Role: BIM design architect
Additional Credits: Mark Stephens CPHD RIBA MRIAI
Vectorprojects Kenya

MVHR coordination