

Tirana, AL

agon nimani
agon nimani
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Malaj-A headquarters

The aim in this concept was creating a new landmark building in this industrial area.

Organized as a cube with concrete structure, covered with glass on three sides of the building, divided by an atrium as a core of the building as well as energy-efficient solution by letting the air flow in order to have a natural ventilation.

The main task was to design an inspiring and healthy workplace by harmonizing virtual, social and physical world. Biophilic design was implemented in the project, which includes materials such as travertine marble on the stairs, walls and reception. Walls covered in wood panels, marble in toilets and other natural elements such as plants. The X element shape of the façade structure of windows are floor-to-ceiling on three sides of the building achieving plenty of light and a natural ventilation.

The concept of interior is based on principles where working spaces offer a strong connection to it’s employees by using glass to divide working spaces in order to maximize access of light and visual contact, revealing the interaction between people and spaces, as well as their needs in contrast to sealed industrial structures of the surrounding buildings of the neighborhood. 

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Status: Built
Location: Durrës, AL
Firm Role: Concept and supervision
Additional Credits:

agon nimani
agon nimani
agon nimani
agon nimani
agon nimani
agon nimani
agon nimani
agon nimani
agon nimani
agon nimani
agon nimani
agon nimani
agon nimani
agon nimani
agon nimani
agon nimani
agon nimani
agon nimani
second floor
second floor
first floor
first floor