Avantika Verma

Avantika Verma

Roorkee, IN

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I am a 4th-year student from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee, pursuing my Bachelor's Degree (B.Arch). Currently, I am doing my semester at HSLU Technik and Architektur, Switzerland as part of an exchange programme. When coupled with design thinking, I believe that architecture and research have the potential to enrich our societies and have a constructive impact. Architecture propels improved built and structured human societies as we advance into an ever-changing future. Creating socially, culturally, and environmentally sustainable spaces are what architecture means to me. My experience as an architectural student has shifted my view of the world and taught me to be more observant of my surroundings. I am looking for a 6-month Architectural Internship for the Professional training program in the academic structure from February 2023 to the last week of July 2023. I am interested in working with a professional team to enhance my architectural skills. I am comfortable and competent enough with modeling and presentation-based software. Concept sketching and model making are also my interests.I would be highly obliged if you could give me a chance to work with your firm.


HSLU Technik and Architektur, Luzern, CH, BArch, semester exchange

Sep 2022 - current

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, IN, BArch, Bachelors

Jul 2019 - current
