Arkos Design, Inc.

Arkos Design, Inc. Diversity Badge

Female owned

Mishawaka, IN


Morris Park Country Club Renovation

South Bend, Indiana
Size: 239,700 sf.
Completion Date: Fall 2020

The renovation included additional features for a competitive swimming program and teen activity zone. The new pool house provides showers/restrooms, outdoor event space, and concessions for the pool and golfers. Dining amenities were improved to offer comfort for the pub crowd, family dining, and formal member dining.

Event spaces were all renovated with new finishes and increased seating capacity. All event spaces and dining on the main level now have access to a continuous balcony along the entire north façade with incredible views of the pool and golf course.

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Status: Built
Location: South Bend, IN, US
Firm Role: Architect, Interior Designer
Additional Credits: Ancon Construction