
Grad school suggested reading list


I just recieved one and I would like it if other people posted up the one their school sent them, I think the differences might be interesting, thanks

Jun 27, 05 11:38 pm

i would like to see these far as i know there is no reading list for my school.

Jun 28, 05 8:26 am  · 

ucla has one, check the website under student resources i think

Jun 28, 05 8:53 am  · 

for columbia, studio:

Empire , Multitude, Negri & Hardt
1000 Plateaus, Deleuze + Guattari
WIRED magazine Scenarios issue [online archive] and on scenario planning:
"Urban Economies and Fading Distances", Saskia Sassen
Snow Crash, Neal Stephenson
Shockwave Rider, John Brunner
Transmetropolitan, Warren Ellis
The Invisibles, Grant Morrison
Watchmen, Alan Moore
The Dormant Beast, Enki Bilal
"Possible Urban Worlds", David Harvey
The Geopolitical Aesthetic , Jameson
'Inorganic Life', ZONE 6 + excerpts from 1000 years..., Manuel DeLanda
Critical Art Ensemble, “The Electronic Disturbance”
excerpts from SI journals and monographs:
Neuromancer, Gibson
Smart Mobs, Rheingold
Cryptome and Cartome, Natsios and Young

required seminar:

appadurai, "modernity at large"
hardt and negri, "empire"
martin, "critical of what?.."
simmel, "the stranger"
kracauer, "the mass ornament"
benjamin, "paris, capital of the nineteenth century"
giedion, "the need for a new monumentality"
smithson, "team ten primer"
tafuri and dal co, "modern architecture 2"
deleuze, "cinema 2"
buckminster fuller, "an operating manual.."
super studio, "12 cautionary tales.."
banham, "megastructure.."
debord, "theory of the derive", "situationist theses on traffic", others
chtcheglov, "formulary for a new urbanism"
lefebvre, "the right city"
levin, "geopolitics of hibernation.."
niewenhuys, "the principle of disorientation"
banham, "los angeles"
colomina, "1949"
gottman, "megalopolis"
venturi brown and izenour, "learning from los vegas"
rowe, "five architects"
stern, "five on five"
scott, "architecture or techno-utopia"
rozzi, "the architecture of the city"
rowe and koetter, "collage city"
bressi, "planning the american dream"
congress for the new urbanism, "charter of the new urbanism"
corbusier, "when the cathedrals were white"
koolhaas, "i_ny: delirious no more"
sassen, "global city"
koolhaas, "singapore songlines"
(partial list)

limited elective seminar:

hardt and negri, "empire" (trend?:)
slavoj, "welcome to the desert of the real"
de certeau, "the practice of everyday life"
maccanell, "the tourist"
debord, "the society of the spectacle"
agamben, "marginal notes on... spectacle", "the camp as nomos.."
barber, "jihad vs mcworld"
harvey, "comtemporary globalization"
bauman, "tourists and vagabonds"
ranciere, "democracy corrected"
deleuze and guattari, "treatise on nomadology"
franke, segal and weizman, "territories.."
wharton, "building the cold war"
ajami, "the summoning"
huntington, "the clash of civilizations?"
easterling, "parrado's paradox", "organization space"
castells, "the rise of network society"
ohmae, "the rise of the region state"
auge, "new worlds"
lash and urry, "the end of organized capitalism"
bourdieu, "symbolic capital"
klare, "oil wars in the south china sea"
de landa, "the nonlinear development of cities"
appadurai, "modernity at large.."
graham and marvin, "splintering urbanism"
kelly, "new rules for the new economy"
klare, "resource wars"
kaplan, "the coming anarchy"
diawara, "toward a regional imaginary in africa"
bauman, "to each waste its dumping site"
(partial list)

so in the case of almost all of these, the reading is only a couple of chapters from the book, or its an article from a periodical. still, its an enormous amount of reading, and its the reason why i rarely post on archinect anymore. :)
so kai, why didn't you post your readings, since this was your suggestion?

Jun 28, 05 9:39 am  · 

jesus het..maybe you can fill mein on the topics of your courses when i get to NYC. Thats the one thing i regrett not having in the school I chose. All these seemingly interesting seminars. I hope to stay up on the reading by possibly starting my own seminar or informal discussion group.

Jun 28, 05 12:28 pm  · 

monkeyboy, you chose columbia over ucla??

Jun 28, 05 12:35 pm  · 

no, i chose Stevens Institute of Technology-Product Architecture Lab over columbia, ucla, Yale, & TU Delft. Not bragging..just have to say it or see it once in a while. to see if i am still sane.

Jun 28, 05 1:13 pm  · 

we all went through that tough heart wrenching process of trying to figure out where to go. after all the research, discussion and introspection, i'm very certain that you made the right choice. certainly you're no less sane than anyone who chooses to go grad school. :) just keep us informed of what stevens is like.

Jun 28, 05 3:40 pm  · 


Jun 28, 05 3:44 pm  · 

thanks for the vote of confindence. i think popeye and I may do a school blog. any more reading lists??? i need to know what to read in my "spare time"

I just got offered to be a drummer for a friends band in new york. So maybe i should forget about any reading. Maybe forget about school all together.

Jun 30, 05 10:36 am  · 

anything for the University of Michigan?

Jun 30, 05 1:14 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

sounds like columbia's reading list is a who's who on the "gee whiz" aspects of globalization literature (notice the absence of folks like allen scott, michael storper, ed soja, anthony giddens) ... but i REALLY LIKE that list, and dude, watchmen ... i think everyone should read that

YALE'S READING LIST (organized by category) (the orginal mailing was ripe with typographical errors, so i've corrected them for the benefit of archinect readers):

[primary sources]
vitruvius ... 10 books on architecture
LB Alberti .... 10 boos of architecture
ruskin ... 7 lamps of architecture
adolf loos ... spoken into the void (collected essays)
le corbusier .... vers une architecture
reyner banham .... theory and design in the first machine age
aldo rossi .... the architecture of the city
robert venturi .... complexity and contradisction
RVDSB .... learning from las vegas

[historical surveys]
peter murray .... architecure of the italian renaissance
rudolf wittkower ... gothic and classical
ridolf wittkower .... architectural principles in the age of humanism
henry russell-hitchcock .... architecture: 19th and 20th century
william j.r. curtis ... modern architecture since 1900
spiro kostof .... a history of architecture: settings, rituals

colin rowe ... mathermatics of the ideal villa
gaston bachelard ... the poetics of space
ulrich conrads .... programs and manifestoeson 20th century architecture
manfredo tafuri ... architecture and utopia
robin evans ... the projective cast
kenny frampton ... modern architecture: a critical history
vinny scully .... american architecture and urbanism
vinny scully .... modern architecture and other essays
rosalind krauss .... originiality and the avant-garde and othe modernist myths
hal foster .... the anti-aesthetic: essays on post-modern culture
ignacio de sola-morales .... differences: topographies of contempoary architectue

[history/theory anthologies]
simon during .... the cultural studies reader
k. michael hays .... architecture theory since 1968
kate nesbitt, ed .... theorizing a new agenda for architecutre: an anthology of architectural theory (1965-1995)
joan ockman ... architecture culture

Jun 30, 05 2:03 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

and again, referencing the columbia list, every one should plunk down some change and read Graham and Marvin's Splintering Urbanism: Networked Infrastructures, Technological Mobilities and the Urban Condition an amazing book

Jun 30, 05 2:11 pm  · 

Those are reading material in UCLA.
I brought these sources in


Banham, Reyner. Los Angeles: The Four Ecologies. Berkeley: UC Press, 2001.
Cuff, Dana. The Provisional City: Los Angeles Stories of Architecture and
Urbanism. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2000.
Davis, Mike. City of Quartz. New York: Vintage Books, 1992.
Gebhard and Winter, Guidebook to Los Angeles Architecture. Salt Lake City:
Gibbs Smith, 1994.
McCoy, Esther. Five California Architects. Los Angeles: Hennessey + Ingalls,
1987 (orig. 1960).
Smith, Elizabeth. Case Study Houses. Cologne, New York: Taschen, 2002.
Allen, Stan. Points + Lines. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1999.
Balmond, Cecil. Informal. Munich: Prestel, 2002.
Corner, James. Taking Measures across the American Landscape. New Haven:
Yale University Press, 1996.
Diller + Scofidio. Scanning. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 2003.
Eisenman, Peter (Bob Somol, ed.). Diagram Diaries. New York: Universe
Publishing, 1999.
FOA, Phylogenesis. Barcelona: Actar, 2004.
Kipnis, Jeffrey. Perfect Acts of Architecture. New York: H.N. Abrams, 2001.
Lerup, Lars. After the City. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000.
The Metapolis Dictionary of Advanced Archtitecture. Gausa, Manuel, et al.
Barcelona: Actar, 2003.
MVRDV. FARMAX. Rotterdam: Uitgeverij 010, 1998.
OMA. S M L XL. New York: Monacelli Press, 1995.
Van Berkel and Bos (UNStudio). Move. Goose Press, 1999.
Cache, Bernard. Earth Moves. Cambridge : The MIT Press, 1995.
Castells, Manuel. Rise of the Network Society. Malden : Blackwell Publishers,
Debord, Guy. The Society of the Spectacle. New York : Zone Books, 1994.
DeLanda, Manuel. A Thousand Years of Non-Linear History. New York : Zone
Books, 1997.
Deleuze, Gilles. Thousand Plateaus. London : Athlone Press, 1988.
Engel, Heino. Structure Systems. New York : Distributed Art Publishers, 1997
Foster, Hal. The Anti-aesthetic : Essays on Postmodern Culture. Port Townsend :
Bay Press, 1983.
Hays, K. Michael. Architectural Theory since 1968. Cambridge : The MIT Press,
Kelly, Kevin. Out of Control. Cambridge : Perseus Books, 1994.
Koolhaas, Rem. Delirious New York : A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan.
New York : Monacelli Press, 1994.
Kostof, Spiro. A History of Architecture : Settings and Rituals. New York : Oxford
University Press, 1995.
Kwinter, Sanford. Architectures of Time : Toward a Theory of the Event in
Modernist Culture. Cambridge, MA : MIT Press, 2001.
McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding media : the Extensions of Man. Cambridge :
MIT Press, 1994.
Venturi, Robert. Learning from Las Vegas. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1977.
Vidler, Anthony. Warped space : Art, Architecture, and Anxiety in Modern
Culture. Cambridge : MIT Press, 2000.
Cuff, Dana. Architecture: The Story of Practice. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991.
- The Provisional City. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2000.
Denari, Neil. Gyroscopic Horizons. New York: Princeton Architectural Press,
Favro, Diane. Urban Image of Augustan Rome. Cambridge University Press, 1996
- Ed. Streets: Critical Perspectives on Public Space, University of California
Press, 1994
Hines, Thomas. Irving Gill and the Architecture of Reform.
- Richard Neutra and the Search for Modern Architecture
Forster, Kurt Walter. Hodgetts + Fung: Scenarios and Spaces. New York:
Rizzoli, 1997.
Hodgetts + Fung : scenarios and spaces New York : Rizzoli, 1997.
Lavin, Sylvia. Quatremere de Quincy and the Invention of a Modern Language of
Architecture. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1992.
Lynn, Greg. Animate Form. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1999.
- Folds, Bodies and Blobs. Brussels: La Lettre Volee, 1998.
Mark Mack : a California architect (Diane Ghirardo ed.) Tübingen: Wasmuth,
Mack, Mark. Stremmel House: Mark Mack New York: Monacelli Press, 1998.
Mayne, Thom, et al. (with UCLA students). L.A. Now: Volume One & L.A. Now:
Volume Two. Berkeley: UC Press, 2002.
Morphosis/Diamond Ranch High School: Source Books in Architecture (Thom
Mayne, ed., et al.) New York: Monacelli, 2001.
Morphosis (Pablo Bransburg ed.) Madrid : ASPPAN, 2000.
Barton Myers, selected and current work (Stephen Dobney ed.) Mulgrave,
Victoria, Australia: Images Publishing Group, 1994.
Richter, Dagmar XYZ : the architecture of Dagmar Richter New York, NY :
Princeton Architectural Press, 2001.
Somol, Bob, ed. Autonomy and Ideology: Positioning an Avant-garde in America.
New York: Monacelli, 1997.
Cooper-Hewitt National Design Center. “Skin” Exhibition Catalog.
Jeffrey Kipnis and Annetta Massie eds. “Mood River” exhibition Catalog. New
York: Distributed Art Publishers, 2002.


Jun 30, 05 2:18 pm  · 

a pretty unsurprising degree of redundancy between columbia, yale, and ucla. a slight degree of east/west coast divergence, but less than i'd expect. i'm not sure if i'm surprised or not that columbia has the smallest percentage of actual 'architecture' related readings (a subjective term certainly, but you get the idea).
are you guys up and running yet? i thought that ucla started with a summer semester, but i'm not sure about yale. if you're there, what do you think so far? who's your studio instructor, what's the project?
as a columbia fella, i guess i'll end with 'gee wiz!' :)

Jul 1, 05 12:24 am  · 

kai: c'mon... post the list you got.

Jul 1, 05 1:22 pm  · 

oh god
i just had a minor freak out moment where I realized I am starting graduate school pretty soon
and have no idea what the fuck I am doing
and you people are already preparing

oh god

Jul 1, 05 2:23 pm  · 

dont worry nervoussystem
heterarchy's list was not a summer reading list for incoming students which is what the original post was asking. and even that list is given to students hoping they will read 10% of it. does any other school have a summer reading list for new MArch students?

Jul 1, 05 3:08 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

nervousystem ... these lists are only "suggestions." you are perfectly ready for grad school. no need to plunk down change for these texts.

Jul 1, 05 3:15 pm  · 

i had a meeting with peter lynch a month or so ago. during the conversation, i asked him to suggest a reading list. a lot of these are basics in the world of architecture but most were ones that i had never read. he recommended i 'become familiar with them' before my journey..

Aldo van Eyck, Works by Vincent Ligtelijn
The Image of the City by Kevin Lynch
The Architecture of the City (Oppositions Books) by Aldo Rossi
A Scientific Autobiography by Aldo Rossi
History of Modern Architecture, Vol. 1 by Leonardo Benevolo
History of Modern Architecture - Vol. 2, The Modern Movement by Leonardo Benevolo
On Growth and Form by D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson
City : Its Growth, Its Decay, Its Future by Eliel Saarinen
Architectonic Space : Fifteen Lessons on the Disposition of the Human Habitat by H. Van Der Laan
Team 10 primer, by Alison Margaret Smithson
Robert Smithson: The Collected Writings by Robert Smithson
Studies in tectonic culture by Kenneth Frampton

Jul 1, 05 3:47 pm  · 

Here is a portion of the Princeton reading list:

Modern Architecture - Alan Colquhoun
Translations from Drawing to Building and Other Essays - Robin Evans
The City in History - Lewis Mumford
Words and Buildings: A vocabulary of Modern Architecture - Adrian Forty
Why Buildings Stand Up: The Strength of Architecture - Mario Salvadori
Architecture Theory since 1968 - K. Michael Hays
Architectural Culture 1943 – 1968 - Joan Ockman, Edward Eigen
Air Guitar - Dave Hickey
Theory and Design in the First Machine Age - Reyner Banham
Recovering Landscape - James Corner
Studies in Tectonic Culture - Kenneth Frampton
Space, Time and Architecture - Siegfried Giedeon
The New Science of Strong Materials - J.E. Gordon
A Sense of Place, A Sense of Time - J. B. Jackson
The Culture of Time and Space - Stephen Kern
Towards a New Architecture - Le Corbusier
Good City Form - Kevin Lynch
Mathematics of the Ideal Villa and Other Essays - Colin Rowe
Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture - Robert Venturi
Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism - Rudolf Wittkower

Jul 1, 05 4:03 pm  · 

netizen is mostly right, the columbia list is and isn't a summer reading list, since i'm in the aad program and it starts in the summer... :) so it's the required reading list for the classes that i mentioned. reading only 10% is certainly not acceptable though, otherwise i'd be out partying tonight. actually, the reason each of those lists is 'partial', is that it's only the 'required' reading, there's about 50% more in 'recommended' reading... though unfortunately, there really isn't time to do any recommended reading.
i only inculded it with the summer prep readings to provide other possibilities/perspectives. i was also interested in seeing what other schools are getting in to, so it only seemed fair to share my experience.
ultimately though, it seems the more i read, the dumber i get. i need a beer.

Jul 1, 05 8:56 pm  · 


sorry, I've been out of town, but it loks like smokey beat me to it

Jul 1, 05 11:44 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hmm, kreynolds, unexpected seeing Dave Hickey's Air Guitar on that list. Everything else seems so archo-centric. The Dave Hickey book is great, an interesting read, I recommend it (Hickey is a genius, and accessible.).

Jul 2, 05 12:19 am  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

liberty .... i saw dave hickey lecture last yeat and he was heee-larious!!! My favorite quote from his lecture:

"During the early 60's, there were only a handful of gallery owners in the United States ... all were heavily medicated."

Jul 2, 05 12:34 am  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

also, kern's the culture of time and space is a pretty great book (from the princeton list)

Jul 2, 05 12:35 am  · 

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