Jason Ventura Tecua

Jason Ventura Tecua

Bronx, NY, US

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As a student of architecture, I've come to realize that in our field, problems are not measured by their size but by the approach taken to solve them. The key is the process of starting at point A and navigating to point B. Leadership, development, teamwork, and knowledge are the only ways I could solve a problem. A passionate architectural designer and still urging to discover new ideas and technology in the architectural world. Currently working for my old company, Ostroff Electric.



Ostroff Electric, Queens, NY, US, Electrician Apprentice

Reading from construction documents, installing electrical receptacles, lighting fixtures, wiring circuitry, wall switches, etc.

Aug 2017 - current


New York College of Technology, Brooklyn, NY, US, BArch, architecture

Sep 2019 - Sep 2023


Faculty Honors Award - Excellence in Fabrication, Award

Parametric Computation, Materials, and Fabrication excellence. One was tasks with projects, learning scripts from Grasshopper, and transferring ideas into Rhino.


Areas of Specialization 
