Nour El Qirem

Nour El Qirem

Amman, JO

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El Qirem’s gebaute Umwelt (

My job role:

- Establishing, implementing and developing EEBE business idea locally, regionally and internationally.
- Guiding EEBE practices and procedures and overseeing its operations.
- Communicating between EEBE team members and other companies’ executives.
- Maintaining EEBE’s brand identity and financial health.
- Acting as the figurative head of EEBE when communicating with clients, stakeholders, government
entities and the general public.
-Leading the development of EEBE’s long- and short-term strategies.
- Managing EEBE’s resources.
- Negotiating and approving agreements and contracts for EEBE.
- Managing EEBE organizational structure.
- Assessing and minimizing risks to EEBE

- Setting strategic goals, road map and repositioning business concept to changing market.
- Setting, implementing, developing and executing EEBE growth and marketing strategies with senior
stakeholders that resonate with EEBE target audiences and deliver measurable results.
- Providing EEBE-wide leadership and pitching EEBE business idea with Entrepreneurship World Cup
- Serving as EEBE’s primary spoken person.
- Identifying and addressing EEBE’s wide problems.
- Developing and upholding EEBE’s culture, vision and mission.
- Evaluating and tracking the success of EEBE in reaching its goals.

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Amman, Jordan
My Role: EEBE est. Co-Founder, CEO, CMO, senior principal architect and owner
Additional Credits:

Letter of intent and application
Letter of intent and application
Letter of intent and application
Letter of intent and application
Letter of intent and application
Letter of intent and application
Philosophy statement of teaching
Philosophy statement of teaching
Philosophy statement of research and interests
Philosophy statement of research and interests
Philosophy statement of research and interests
Philosophy statement of research and interests
Philosophy statement of professional practice
Philosophy statement of professional practice
Philosophy statement for architecture domain
Philosophy statement for architecture domain
Philosophy statement of diversity
Philosophy statement of diversity
A building architecture sample
A building architecture sample
A building architecture sample
A building architecture sample
A building architecture sample
A building architecture sample
Academic qualifications
Academic qualifications
Professional experience
Professional experience
Professional experience
Professional experience
Professional experience
Professional experience
Professional experience
Professional experience
Professional experience
Professional experience
Key skills
Key skills
Licenses and certifications
Licenses and certifications
Licenses and certifications
Licenses and certifications
Licenses and certifications
Licenses and certifications
Honors and awards
Honors and awards
Honors and awards
Honors and awards
Jury member and arguer
Jury member and arguer
Projects and participation events outside Jordan
Projects and participation events outside Jordan
Projects and participation events inside Jordan
Projects and participation events inside Jordan
Research collaboration
Research collaboration
Research collaboration
Research collaboration
List of architecture and built environment, and architectural engineering/ architectural design and construction information projects
List of architecture and built environment, and architectural engineering/ architectural design and construction information projects
A business-architecture establishment of mine