Tim Peet

Tim Peet

Ridgefield Park, NJ, US



For my senior Capstone Project, I chose to take a material in a dead end waste stream and upcycle it into a product that could be used for the store that discarded it. I found that there are a large number of wax vegetable boxes that are thrown away everyday at supermarkets across the country. I decided to use a small market in Philadelphia for my case study. I ended up taking this large abundance of wax boxes that were ultimately going to get thrown away and by cutting them a certain way and adding a strap, was able to create a new in-store shopping basket for the store. The wax protects the box from water and condensation and also protects it from wear and tear so that it can last a lot longer than a regular cardboard box.

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Status: Built

Essene Market/Cafe is what I used as my small case study for this project
Essene Market/Cafe is what I used as my small case study for this project