The Socrates Sculpture Park provides the designer a platform which inspires the interaction between artists, nature, cityscape, and the public. As a folly, KaleidoScape seeks to integrate these key elements into the material of our invention.
Where does one draw the line between art versus architecture, natural versus artificial spatial versus sculptural? KaleidoScape welcomes an ideal through a form that challenges its connotation by intentionally interfering with its human perception.
KaleidoScape, constructed of wood and mirrors, has uniquely designed tentacles that are arranged to be viewed by persons of all ages, heights and abilities. The whimsical piece, lined with a refletive interior shell, physically exhibits the dichotomy between nature and its distorted refletion. The design aims to transform our experience of light and vision, and is inspired by individual disposition and participation. It evokes awareness of one’s presence within his/her environment, hence creating a new landscape – KaleidoScape.
Status: Competition Entry