Katie Ross

Katie Ross

Portland, OR, US

Interior Photo
Interior Photo
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Best New Commercial Design Award 2010, Building Industry Association- Honolulu, Hawaii

The design evokes a lounge atmosphere, highlighting the jewelry as a reflection of one’s character.  The space includes a storefront with a dark mullion cross which is echoed on the interior floor by a white cross.  This white cross on the floor is highly contrasted by the black FSC certified wood flooring. The atmosphere is dark with lights that highlight the displays to make them appear as though they are floating. The seating creates a unique lounge feel.  All of these elements together create the sacred lounge.

Sugi Pine was selected for the storefront and interior wood siding. Sugi Pine aka Japanese Cedar is a locally harvested wood that also grows in Japan and is frequently called "Japanese cedar".   It is used in oranamentals and found around temples.  Because of its aroma, sugi is fequently used in jewelry boxes, drawers and other furniture pieces.

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Status: Built
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii

Exterior Photo
Exterior Photo
Floor Plan
Floor Plan