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Is Nostalgia Dead? Retro-Futurism, Architecture & Film

Sculptured House - Sleeper: Woody Allen employs the uncanny appearance of the massive organic concrete structure - with all due respect to the magnificent house - to make a point in his parody of modernism - science fiction comedy 'Sleeper'. (Image: Patrick Young)

Sculptured House - Sleeper: Woody Allen employs the uncanny appearance of the massive organic concrete structure - with all due respect to the magnificent house - to make a point in his parody of modernism - science fiction comedy 'Sleeper'. (Image: Patrick Young)

Sculptured House - Sleeper: Woody Allen employs the uncanny appearance of the massive organic concrete structure - with all due respect to the magnificent house - to make a point in his parody of modernism - science fiction comedy 'Sleeper'. (Image: Patrick Young)