The term: microarchitecture was used to describe the units that were controlled by the microprogram words, in contrast to the term: "architecture" that was visible and documented for programmers. While architecture usually had to be compatible between hardware generations, the underlying microarchitecture could be easily changed.
Chad Miller
Feb 21, 24 4:56 pm
So it's a term used in computer engineering. Not architecture. I think the OP is a bit off course. :s
Hey there,
I am currently studying 3D design and craft (2nd year) which is mostly focused on making
My goal is to work in the field of micro architecture while trying to push the boundaries of material innovation.
Do you have any suggestion on how I should proceed to reach this goal?
thank you, a big smile ;)
Start by defining what micro architecture is.... like D&D type figurines?
Then define what you mean by material innovation. This is a super broad term and means very little without context.
I prefer Warhammer 40K.
Let me know if you can find someone that will pay for your micro architecture lol
The term: microarchitecture was used to describe the units that were controlled by the microprogram words, in contrast to the term: "architecture" that was visible and documented for programmers. While architecture usually had to be compatible between hardware generations, the underlying microarchitecture could be easily changed.
So it's a term used in computer engineering. Not architecture. I think the OP is a bit off course. :s