M.Arch Fall 2020 Application Status

  • JoeyTheGiant
    Feb 26, 20 8:03 pm

    Ctrl, Congrats on MIT. Curious, what would’ve been your UK/Europe choices had you decided to stay?

  • ctrl_z
    Feb 26, 20 8:16 pm

    Joey, Thank you! Uhm, possibly ETH (but I think they require German...), Delft or back to Cambridge (loved it!).

  • JoeyTheGiant
    Feb 26, 20 9:14 pm

    Makes sense!

  • ctrl_z
    Feb 27, 20 3:33 pm

    Update: Call from Harvard - AP and full ride. Shocking

  • ap23
    Feb 27, 20 3:39 pm

    Wow, congrats, that's amazing news to get.

  • JoeyTheGiant
    Feb 27, 20 4:21 pm

    Hats off!! Well done.

  • ctrl_z
    Feb 27, 20 5:26 pm

    Thank you guys so much! Fingers crossed for everyone.

  • ctrl_z
    Feb 27, 20 5:27 pm

    (MIT offered 3/4 tuition and stipend; but no AP)

  • csss
    Feb 27, 20 11:33 pm

    Serious congrats!!

  • ctrl_z
    Feb 28, 20 7:53 am

    Thank you, csss! Fingers crossed for you as well xx

  • csss
    Mar 4, 20 6:50 pm

    Any MIT admits know when open house is scheduled?

  • fishguy123
    Feb 26, 20 7:41 pm
  • Undergraduate Degree/ School/ Year graduated: Manufacturing and Design Engineering / Northwestern University / 2017
  • GPA - GRE  - TOEFL: GPA 2.9; GRE V164+Q161+W4.5 
  • Letter of recommendations: 2 professor, one colleague
  • Personal Essay/Statement Like to think that these kicked ass, spent literally hundreds of hours
  • Portfolio 13 pages. short but it's really slick. furniture design, public sculpture, product design, VR world creation, digital manufacturing research, jewelry design, gallery installation, algorithmic design, data viz, advanced rendering/texture mapping, 1 yrs work experience at premier architecture model studio
  • Schools: Yale, MIT, Berkeley, UCLA, SAIC, Michigan
  • Open house impressions: Yale - loved it. made me want to go to architecture school. Michigan - rad, great facilities. lots of space. MIT is rad too. SAIC is great rising program, well-situated in the rich chicago ecosystem
  • Results:  Out at Berkeley
  • Tips I found comparing my portfolio/essay approach to what I found online to be detrimental (and stressful!), I just did whatever felt representative of me :) << same
  • larry chip larry chip
    Feb 29, 20 10:13 am


  • ciocs353
    Feb 27, 20 6:38 pm

    Undergraduate Degree/ School/ Year graduated 

    University of Florida / B.A. History,  B.A. Political Science, Minor: Public Leadership / 2012

    GPA - GRE  - TOEFL 

    3.31 GPA (Undergrad was more about personal growth rather than academic focus)

    158 Q | 167 V | 4.5 AWA (August - October studying after work almost exclusively for math, took six full practice tests prior to test day)

    Letter of recommendations 

    3 for most, 4 for some. 

    2 - employers/managers in architecture/design field (1 previous, 1 current) 

    1 - previous client (worked with closely on a specific project)

    1 - studio instructor 

    Personal Essay/Statement 

    I spent a significant amount of time on these and was still writing/editing up to the deadline. I think because I started working on Berkeley’s application first, and their essays were structured as a “Personal History Statement” and a Statement of Purpose, my essays were skewed more towards personal narrative rather than future research / professor-focused. I also felt like my longer-than-usual journey to architecture school needed additional context. 


    I never studied architecture formally, but have had about 7 years of professional experience in the design/construction field. It was tough to figure out what to include from my professional work, personal design work, and Design Discovery (a studio intensive program) I did last summer. The advice I got from the summer program was to really emphasize the design of portfolio itself--to treat the presentation as a design project in and of itself. The final breakdown was: 5 “academic” projects, 2 personal projects, and 4 (single-page) professional projects.


    Harvard GSD, Yale SOA, GSAPP, Berkeley, MIT, Princeton, Cornell, Rice

    Open house impressions 

    GSD - I spent 6 weeks there last summer doing Design Discovery, so I got a good feel of the studio/facilities, the culture (to a certain extent), and the school’s approach. The instructors of the program were all recent grads, or students finalizing work on their thesis. They were amazing as instructors but also as a resource to understand what going through an M.Arch is like, what the GSD was like, why they chose it, what they plan to do after. I also attended the open house this past fall and it was helpful to see the school’s “official” presentation about itself rather than the more informal perspective I got this summer. After going to other open houses, I can say that what impressed me most at GSD was the quality of the student work. There wasn’t any work that I wasn’t impressed by. I was taken by the level of rigor, the depth of inquiry, and the final presentation of work. Consistently good through and through.

    Yale - This was the open house that surprised me the most. Unjustifiably, my impression of Yale was that it was stuffy and self-centered. During the visit, I found exactly the opposite. I really connected with the first-year housing project. I love the hands-on nature of the approach and its commitment to the local community, and how despite being a competition, seems to bring the cohort together. I was surprised (in a positive way) by the overall tone and focus on social justice issues. In reading the student publications, and seeing the issues that some of the current studios focused on, I really felt like this was constant dialogue that the school was engaged in. I found that all the students that I engaged with (not just the hand-picked tour guides) were friendly and willing to talk about their work and it seemed like studio-culture leaned more towards camaraderie rather than competition. Really awesome open house.

    Cornell - This is such a tough school for me to talk about. I love the program, the facilities were outstanding both spatially and the in the availability of resources (brand new fabrication shop, etc.), the research labs were engaged in exciting and meaningful work, and the professors were all very interesting and welcoming. I also really liked Ithaca. It has a small college-town charm, and the access to beautiful hiking and other nature is a huge plus. The biggest downside is how remote the school feels. The M.Arch I program (maybe others too) has a component in which students spend a semester in NYC which is a nice effort towards connectedness, but Ithaca itself honestly feels very isolated. Of course, for some people this may be a bonus, because you can be very focused on your work with few external distractions. All in all, amazing school, but location was a big hurdle for me.

    GSAPP - I loved the school’s contextual approach to architecture. It felt very in-tune with all of the different aspects of the built environment rather solely a formal aesthetic approach. I was really impressed with their faculty and I enjoyed the critiques I observed--good conversations and a real sense of collegiality among the students and professors. I was disappointed in the facilities. After spending the summer at GSD, I thought all schools provided as much real estate for each student. I was really shocked at how cramped the studio spaces felt. Then again, it is New York (I currently live in Brooklyn), so I guess I should have known better. Other than the physical space, this was an amazing school that is fully engaged in architectural discourse and contributes original ideas and research to the broader conversation.


    GSD -

    Yale - 

    GSAPP - 

    Berkeley - Accepted! Heading to the admit open house for a first visit. Doesn’t seem like I got any aid. As a public school, I can gain residency after the first year so that should help manage the cost.

    MIT - 

    Cornell -

    Princeton -

    Rice - 


  • fathermango
    Feb 28, 20 9:36 am

    A lot of good insights, thank you!

  • ciocs353
    Feb 29, 20 5:42 pm

    Update 2/29: In at Cornell with $. Very excited and grateful.

  • snarky-tect
    Feb 29, 20 6:30 pm


  • ciocs353
    Mar 4, 20 12:21 pm

    Update 3/2: Waitlisted at Rice

    Update 3/3: Rejected from Harvard

  • archi_gram
    Mar 9, 20 9:23 pm

    Congrats on Cornell! Good luck with MIT and GSAPP! I am hesitated here between cornell and upenn also because of the location. Literally in the middle of the mountains, definitely going to miss a lot of opportunities to find summer jobs and then move around. I wish I got into MIT, I just love Boston

  • ciocs353
    Mar 10, 20 10:46 am

    Thanks! Updates: Out at Yale (3/6) and Princeton (3/9) still

  • ciocs353
    Mar 10, 20 11:09 am

    (continued from previous)...still waiting to hear from MIT and GSAPP. Between the two acceptances I have, I'm leaning towards Berkeley over Cornell. Even with the scholarships/stipends that Cornell is offering, the total cost of tuition is about double. It's also a 3.5 year program compared to Berkeley's 3-year track. After going to Berkeley's admit open house, I was most struck by the overall laid-back vibe--it was very refreshing compared to the northeast schools I've visited! All the professors and students were very approachable and willing to share what they were working on even if it was very much in-process. I'd like to talk to more current students and alums to make sure that laid-back doesn't translate to low expectations/low-quality work. It didn't seem like that was the case during my visit, but I want to get more background.

  • archi_gram
    Mar 12, 20 7:57 pm

    I am writing a thread with tuition information from all schools. Does UCB only cost $5,000 flat tuition for out of state students? That's insane!

  • ciocs353
    Mar 24, 20 1:16 pm

    @archi_gram not sure if that's correct. According to https://registrar.berkeley.edu/tuition-fees-residency/tuition-fees/fee-schedule#ced out-of-state tuition is $19,525.75 per semester.

  • ciocs353
    Mar 24, 20 1:17 pm

    Update 3/9: Rejected from Princeton

    Update 3/17: Waitlisted at Columbia

    Update 3/20: Rejected from MIT

  • t.s.
    Apr 6, 20 10:05 pm

    Hey @ciocs353, I have been accepted to UC Berkeley too for M.Arch , are you still leaning towards it?

  • sqqq
    Apr 17, 20 7:39 pm

    @ciocs353 where did you decide to go? if you are going to Conell, see you in August

  • Unicornsarereal
    Feb 28, 20 9:52 am

    do you guys think the GSD and YSOA will post their decisions afternoon of the 28th like every year or will it be the 29th since its leap year? Im so anxious lolll

    Also what is up with people saying they got phone call acceptances from MIT and GSD when its clearly stated on the website that there will be no decisions given out through phone calls? Help me understand, is this real and they just call their fav applicants informally? 

    On a lighter note, how is everyone holding up? Im an anxious mess here cant even get out of bed. Hope we all get the schools we want 

  • Hachiko
    Feb 28, 20 9:58 am

    Can totally relate. Am super anxious as well. Aaaaaaah...

  • ctrl_z
    Feb 28, 20 11:02 am

    Don’t want to say it’s a certain way or another - can only confirm they do call informally. They also confirmed when the official email will be sent out - i got MIT yesterday and GSD said I’ll get theirs on Monday. Hope this helps. It doesn’t matter how we’re notified - good luck!! :)

  • csss
    Feb 28, 20 11:02 am

    ​I imagine today, the 28th, because I imagine they would do it on their workday, not their weekend. Ditto on the super anxious part! I started checking my emails every 30 min yesterday.

  • chuckluck
    Feb 28, 20 11:25 am

    Thanks for sharing ctrl_z! Well, looks like it's coming on Monday then, at least I will have another weekend to kill.

  • JessaMynn
    Feb 28, 20 11:41 am

    They call the top applicants. It says no decisions given via phone so people don't call in to ask about their status.

  • JoeyTheGiant
    Feb 28, 20 1:13 pm

    Can def relate, thankfully I’m not too anxious coz I got into one of my top choices, Tulane, with $$$, and two other great programs (UNC-Charlotte and U Houston) but still a lil nervous as I’m hoping to hear positive news from one of my LA schools ( USC, UCLA or Sci-Arc), so I Would have the option to stay here if I don’t want to leave LA. Tho moving isn’t the worse thing ever... At the end of the day, the schools will help us reach our goal, but career prospects will be on us, to be aggressive and smart about how we take advantage of the time and resources availed, no matter where we end up. I’m also hoping I hear from UCLA by today (yay or nay) so I can decide to keep or drop this pre-rec I’m taking before the refund deadline of March 1 lol (UCLA only one I applied to requiring Survey of Arch history).

  • JoeyTheGiant
    Feb 28, 20 6:47 pm

    Lol feeling super grateful, found out I am in at UCLA just minutes after I posted the above comment… (Feb 28, 2020, for anyone reading this in the future). Obviously as it is a public/state school, won’t find out about money right away. The graduate department will inform me about that when they send out the official letters in a few weeks.

  • csss
    Feb 28, 20 7:15 pm

    @Joey congrats! awesome news

  • JoeyTheGiant
    Feb 28, 20 7:42 pm

    Thanks so much CSSS! What a ride!

  • vialee
    Feb 29, 20 8:20 pm

    Haven’t heard from them. I assume they will sent out decisions in Monday.

  • peijunfei
    Feb 28, 20 10:52 am

    Phone calls are true stories. Not mine though. Sadly.

  • bessie2b
    Feb 28, 20 11:31 am

    Any Landscape Architecture applicants out there?

  • indigoing
    Feb 28, 20 11:46 am

    Yes, me, I applied into the MLA at the GSD (MArch everywhere else though)

  • bessie2b
    Feb 28, 20 11:53 am

    I also applied to a mix of programs! MLA at the GSD too. Wondering if they are released around the same time as MArch results. All the best!

  • landarch2217
    Feb 28, 20 12:48 pm

    I am! I applied to MLA at Harvard, Upenn, Berkeley, RISD, UBC, U of T and U of M. I got my Upenn acceptance last week.

  • indigoing
    Feb 28, 20 2:29 pm

    Good luck both of you!

  • fathermango
    Mar 1, 20 3:49 am

    Yes, I applied for UPenn for MLA and MArch. The chair sent me an email for the admission!

  • landarch2217
    Mar 2, 20 5:42 pm

    Wait listed at GSD for MLA 1 AP

  • 10tharch
    Mar 4, 20 12:39 pm

    Yes, me too. MLA applicant here. In at Uni of Mich and WashU St Louis. Out at GSD. Has anyone got an update from Berkeley yet?

  • landarch2217
    Mar 4, 20 12:47 pm

    Haven't heard from berkeley yet! But accepted at RISD yesterday.

  • landarch2217
    Mar 9, 20 8:27 pm

    Anyone heard from Berkeley yet for MLA decisions?

  • 10tharch
    Mar 26, 20 4:41 am

    Hi, did anyone hear from Berkeley for MLA? I am thinking its a rejection for me as its already too late.

  • landarch2217
    Mar 26, 20 10:01 am

    I emailed them a few weeks ago, and they just replied saying they are very behind on applications due to the COVID situation. They said everyone will be advised by the end of april.

  • 10tharch
    Mar 26, 20 10:11 am

    @landarch2217 Oh okay, thanks for the information. The other schools want the decision by 15th April. Do you think they might postpone it?

  • chuckluck
    Feb 28, 20 11:31 am

    So results should be rolling out starting tomorrow, best of luck to everyone in this thread! Here's to the countless days and nights spent in anxiety

  • peijunfei
    Feb 28, 20 11:46 am

    Kudos and much obliged!

  • hbassal
    Feb 28, 20 2:58 pm

    umm, the GSD website says the results are due in the first week of March is that not the case?

  • JessaMynn
    Feb 28, 20 3:01 pm

    By the first week. Top admits have been getting phone notifications over the past two days, everyone else will be notified by email by the end of next week.

  • hbassal
    Feb 28, 20 3:05 pm

    if you don't mind my asking, what are top admits? from the sound of it, it seems -if i'm not mistaken- like those would be the ones they are sure about as opposed to others that they are not sure about yet, correct?

  • peijunfei
    Feb 28, 20 3:10 pm

    From my understanding, the calls to admitted students take time, like each 10 min or so. They need to inform one by one, imagine that. The ones not got informed, will be told automa tically by email to check the portal, which means, most of the cases, rej.

  • JessaMynn
    Feb 28, 20 3:12 pm

    It's the one's that have been awarded merit scholarships (as opposed to though maybe in addition to, need-based financial aid), so the top 10%ish, there may be definite yesses that will not be notified by phone. I'm assuming most of the decisions have been made.

  • OrderinChaos
    Feb 28, 20 3:12 pm

    I am questioning how healthy it is to speculate on the intentions of schools in their decision release methods, and the meaning of who gets where when. It is likely based on factors we will never know about. What we handed in is in the hands of the admissions teams, and thats it. I am still extremely nervous but speculating on other's standing with respect to the school does not help, and does not reflect any facts of the situation. This rises to the level of speculation

  • JessaMynn
    Feb 28, 20 3:20 pm

    That's just GSD, every school is different. I think MIT makes an attempt to contact every admit via phone, but they have a much smaller class.

  • peijunfei
    Feb 28, 20 4:09 pm

    You know what? it is indeed unhealthy, it is just reflecting how anxious we are! lol, good luck to everyone here! Fi nger crossed...

  • peijunfei
    Feb 28, 20 3:09 pm

    From my understand, the calls to admited students take times, like each 10 min or so. They need to inform one by one, imagine that. The ones not got informed, will be told automatically by email toi check the portal, which means, most of the cases, rej.

  • hbassal
    Feb 28, 20 3:19 pm


  • jenniepeng
    Feb 28, 20 5:12 pm

    hahahah, exactly what I feel right now

  • vialee
    Feb 29, 20 2:31 am

    hahahahahahaha so true