

Los Angeles, CA


Sunset Junction Streetscape

Our proposal for a small site adjacent to Sunset Junction in Silver Lake addresses the competition brief's design criteria as well as a number of other issues relevant to the site.

The base provides seating and shade in a semi-enclosed raised plaza and the frame above it provides an armature for the landmark arrow marking Sunset Junction itself. The arrow overtly marks Sunset Junction (where Sunset, Santa Monica and Sanborn intersect) but also represents a latent interest in a culture in constant flux.

Our goal is to draw attention to and celebrate that flux by encouraging bill posting on the outer walls of the base as well inpromptu events within. The arrow points to events that come and go, much like the culture that they belong to.

"selected finalist"

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Los Angeles, CA, US
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Marco Monter