RMW Architecture + Interiors, San Jose, CA, US, Project Architect
Shigatomi Pratt Architects, Los Angeles, Junior Architect
Omni Design Group, San Luis Obispo, CA, US, Architectural Designer
Assist in all project phases from schematic design through construction administration. Responsibilities include project management, design drafting and modeling, building code analysis, accessibility detailing, client and consultant coordination, submittal approvals and RFI tracking. Project types include custom residential, commercial, institutional, industrial and telecommunications.
Jeffrey Rome & Associates, Newport Beach, CA, US, Architectural Designer
Responsible for the development and creation of zoning drawings and construction documents for telecommunications projects, primarily for AT&T Wireless.
Brailsford & Dunlavey, Washington, DC, US, Project Analyst/Intern
Assisted in all phases of multiple project types including construction administration, competitive context/benchmark analysis, utilization and feasibility studies. Responsible for assembly and maintenance of project paperwork and presentation materials including diagrammatic space layouts and housing concept floor plans. Participated in contractor selection interviews, client & consultant coordination, utility coordination and report writing.
Silber Architects, Fullerton, CA, US, Intern
Assisted in all degrees of a project from schematic design through construction documents. Responsible for design drawings and presentation materials as well as daily tasks including submittals to
local jurisdictions, office management and correspondence with clients and project partners.
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo, CA, US, BArch, Architecture
Alpha Rho Chi Bronze Medal, Award
In 1931, the Grand Council of Alpha Rho Chi established the Alpha Rho Chi Medal to "encourage professional leadership by rewarding student accomplishment." The Fraternity provides the medal to selected schools of architecture throughout the country to be awarded to the graduating senior who has shown an affinity for leadership, performed willing service for the school or department, and gives promise of real professional merit through his or her attitude and personality. The Alpha Rho Chi Medal is awarded annually to graduating seniors at accredited schools of architecture in the United States and Canada and at schools with an active chapter of Alpha Rho Chi Fraternity, and is judged by the faculty of that school of architecture as best exemplifying these qualities.