Here it is fellow Archinectuers! Our very first book club. Comments posted here should be related to the current ABC - Archinect Book Club - an occasional garwondler-ing maybe tolerated, as will the occasional "give me back my name," but generally the post should remain, well, on topic.
The rules? The rules below are loose, and mostly relate to the club rules, but in general these work.
1. He/she chooses the book.
2. He/she chooses the date that the discussion will be launched.
3. He/she starts a different thread on that date, labels it the book title, and links to that thread from this thread... This thread remains the *out of context* book club thread. The reason being, once a discussion has been started, it's good to leave it open ended, people will keep coming back to that thread to talk about books that are no longer the "current book"... This also leaves this thread as an ongoing discussion that links to all of the individual book discussions... And this also prevents this thread from getting cluttered with a million people talking about different books, since if the thing takes off, after a few books, people will be lose track of what book people are talking about... Also, there will always be a month or two where you miss out on a book.
4. After the date that the discussion is launched, he/she nominates somebody who participated in that discussion to be the next in line who gets to choose the next book. The person nominated should normally be somebody who has not been nominated before. That person can choose *any book* that they are interested in, although they can get feedback from people too, typically that's what this thread will be for, talking about the next book choice... Or if they want, they can always pass off the choice to somebody else... The other rule being, the book has to be easily obtainable, it can't be an out of print rare book. Anybody who is not interested in the choice can opt out until the next time around
5. Comments/questions about the book do not need to wait until we are finished or get to a stopping point, but should "flow" from your reading/mis-reading.
6. If you don't currently have the book and want to get in, buy the book or bug someone for a copy. This book is short so getting to far ahead should not be a problem.
7. If you don't have the book, and do not plan to get the book or participate, please keep your comments to the ABC general thread.
Do these seem reasonable?
Please feel free to add an addendum to the rules as needed.
vadoretro: okay so i am reading this and beuys and interviewer are talking about ideology. its in the beginning there in the practice and ideology section. he's talking about inner resources etc. and how simply doing something is healthier than thinking, planning etc. that the playful activity has its own dynamic. i agree, this is what i have been trying to do with some "painting" that i have been working on. almost a mindlessness concentrating on a physical event. etc. being non architectural etc. anyway what i realize is that there is this thing called the "death of the potential" the "dotp" is what happens after you have had your playful activity and now must live with and reflect on that piece of shit that you made. the dotp is like a twilight zone episode. the painting talks to you only you can hear it. it says why? why did you make me. i am a monster! why did you try why? why? why?
[beta]dineSUTURES®³: you know what? i too like that, and have done the same thing in some of my work. i typically start with some materials, oils, medical supplies and other detritus, and start "working". i just let what happens, happen, let the moment, time, my own intuitive impulses take over. i find that time, wow, time is non-factor, inexplicable i will emerge from that place i am, to find that a few hours have passed, and it felt like 15 minutes! i try to make sense of what "that" person created, and many times i wonder; can i, as "composer" even know what it is, what have i written? is it only possible to know what i have done when i was in the moment, and once complete i cannot know? i am not sure if i am making sense, but it's almost like once i have exorcised this demon retching to get out i no longer comprehend it?
vadoretro: yes its like that book "flow" which is all about being in the moment. it may be possible too to feel that way working that way, away from the computer having your hands full and occupied etc. its a bit like stream of consciousness in that regard. again the challenge is for the flow the automata to make good automatic choices.
This discussion surprises me realy it do --- do this mean that the times are over where art is about supressing other artists their work and life within architecture and arts, --- that creating now is the issue rather than picking on others, that Arogance are over , is this a sort of etic hangover ???
perhaps if we get this out of the way now, vindper will go away?
HEY! Per, either get the book or don't post, ok?
Jun 24, 07 9:35 am ·
Sunday, March 8, 1981--Düsseldorf
We had breakfast with Joseph Beuys, he insisted I come to his house and see his studio and the way he lives and have tea and cake, it was really nice. He gave me a work of art which was two bottles of effervescent water which ended up exploding in my suitcase and damaging everything I have, so I can't open the box now, because I don't know if it's a work of art anymore or just broken bottles. So if he comes to New York I've got to get him to come sign the box because it's just a real muck.
"...that the playful activity has its own dynamic."
Maybe, just maybe, Per already "gets" the book.
Jun 24, 07 10:25 am ·
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What Is Art?: Conversations With Joseph Beuys
Here it is fellow Archinectuers! Our very first book club. Comments posted here should be related to the current ABC - Archinect Book Club - an occasional garwondler-ing maybe tolerated, as will the occasional "give me back my name," but generally the post should remain, well, on topic.
The rules? The rules below are loose, and mostly relate to the club rules, but in general these work.
1. He/she chooses the book.
2. He/she chooses the date that the discussion will be launched.
3. He/she starts a different thread on that date, labels it the book title, and links to that thread from this thread... This thread remains the *out of context* book club thread. The reason being, once a discussion has been started, it's good to leave it open ended, people will keep coming back to that thread to talk about books that are no longer the "current book"... This also leaves this thread as an ongoing discussion that links to all of the individual book discussions... And this also prevents this thread from getting cluttered with a million people talking about different books, since if the thing takes off, after a few books, people will be lose track of what book people are talking about... Also, there will always be a month or two where you miss out on a book.
4. After the date that the discussion is launched, he/she nominates somebody who participated in that discussion to be the next in line who gets to choose the next book. The person nominated should normally be somebody who has not been nominated before. That person can choose *any book* that they are interested in, although they can get feedback from people too, typically that's what this thread will be for, talking about the next book choice... Or if they want, they can always pass off the choice to somebody else... The other rule being, the book has to be easily obtainable, it can't be an out of print rare book. Anybody who is not interested in the choice can opt out until the next time around
5. Comments/questions about the book do not need to wait until we are finished or get to a stopping point, but should "flow" from your reading/mis-reading.
6. If you don't currently have the book and want to get in, buy the book or bug someone for a copy. This book is short so getting to far ahead should not be a problem.
7. If you don't have the book, and do not plan to get the book or participate, please keep your comments to the ABC general thread.
Do these seem reasonable?
Please feel free to add an addendum to the rules as needed.
This has started:
vadoretro: okay so i am reading this and beuys and interviewer are talking about ideology. its in the beginning there in the practice and ideology section. he's talking about inner resources etc. and how simply doing something is healthier than thinking, planning etc. that the playful activity has its own dynamic. i agree, this is what i have been trying to do with some "painting" that i have been working on. almost a mindlessness concentrating on a physical event. etc. being non architectural etc. anyway what i realize is that there is this thing called the "death of the potential" the "dotp" is what happens after you have had your playful activity and now must live with and reflect on that piece of shit that you made. the dotp is like a twilight zone episode. the painting talks to you only you can hear it. it says why? why did you make me. i am a monster! why did you try why? why? why?
[beta]dineSUTURES®³: you know what? i too like that, and have done the same thing in some of my work. i typically start with some materials, oils, medical supplies and other detritus, and start "working". i just let what happens, happen, let the moment, time, my own intuitive impulses take over. i find that time, wow, time is non-factor, inexplicable i will emerge from that place i am, to find that a few hours have passed, and it felt like 15 minutes! i try to make sense of what "that" person created, and many times i wonder; can i, as "composer" even know what it is, what have i written? is it only possible to know what i have done when i was in the moment, and once complete i cannot know? i am not sure if i am making sense, but it's almost like once i have exorcised this demon retching to get out i no longer comprehend it?
vadoretro: yes its like that book "flow" which is all about being in the moment. it may be possible too to feel that way working that way, away from the computer having your hands full and occupied etc. its a bit like stream of consciousness in that regard. again the challenge is for the flow the automata to make good automatic choices.
Have people!
This discussion surprises me realy it do --- do this mean that the times are over where art is about supressing other artists their work and life within architecture and arts, --- that creating now is the issue rather than picking on others, that Arogance are over , is this a sort of etic hangover ???

Salute the electric compoment of modern arts ;
That's 1ne "give me back my name"
do i hear a garwondler-ing?
perhaps if we get this out of the way now, vindper will go away?
HEY! Per, either get the book or don't post, ok?
Sunday, March 8, 1981--Düsseldorf
We had breakfast with Joseph Beuys, he insisted I come to his house and see his studio and the way he lives and have tea and cake, it was really nice. He gave me a work of art which was two bottles of effervescent water which ended up exploding in my suitcase and damaging everything I have, so I can't open the box now, because I don't know if it's a work of art anymore or just broken bottles. So if he comes to New York I've got to get him to come sign the box because it's just a real muck.
"...that the playful activity has its own dynamic."
Maybe, just maybe, Per already "gets" the book.
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