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I had to get some kosher salt and sweeping compound to put down because our entire city is out of walk way salt.  Luckily It's supposed to get up to 40 today, so I'm hoping most of it will melt.  

Dec 10, 13 2:44 pm  · 

Well, my residential draftsman that I've used for the last 5 years died.  Forget that I'm working on a bid that's coming in 20% over and I'll need revisions and wall details.  I just lost a friend.  

Shitty day.

Dec 11, 13 5:54 pm  · 

Sorry, rfuller.  It sounds like it was sudden and that is especially hard for friends and family.

Dec 11, 13 9:40 pm  · 

rfuller, sorry to read about your friend, shitty day is right.

Dec 11, 13 11:39 pm  · 

Another one on Florida's Space Coast, more or less.  This one happened at Cocoa Beach.  This guy got lucky.  It looks like his foot will eventually heal.  He can have this particular recreational pursuit.

Dec 12, 13 9:02 am  · 

fucking foot-eating sharks.

At least smog has some unexpected benefits, like funnier chinese people!

Dec 12, 13 11:04 am  · 

Ugh, her again? toaster, why?

Dec 13, 13 8:03 am  · 

I was thinking about zaha's stadium (a lot more than I'd like to admit) and recalled reading something here about concrete vaginas - and decided to resurrect this gem.


reading it again - I find it's really mostly about a non-architecture person being friends with architecture people at the beginning of their careers - they just spent several years having their identities replaced by architecture and are still so completely wrapped up in that world they have absolutely nothing else to talk about.  There's part where she's sitting in a restaurant wondering, 'what the hell do you guys have to offer me in this relationship?  you're all miserable, you work long hours and then you talk about things I don't care about - I'm only here because YOU need someone around who is capable of talking about interesting things other than architecture.'

Dec 13, 13 12:07 pm  · 

Next week I'm having lunch with five other architect friends.  My husband will likely politely decline.

Dec 13, 13 1:39 pm  · 
not at the beginning of my career, but that sounds fun, donna!
Dec 13, 13 9:22 pm  · 
vado retro

sorry, R.  i was doing some googling recently and saw that one of my  architecture classmates and fellow teaching assistant had died after a long battle with breast cancer. also, my 17 year old second cousin died from complications associated with problems at birth. went to my neighborhood association christmas party at the home of a local exec and his architect wife. they have been working hard too renovate vacant storefronts in my downtown. much wine and complaints about speeders. duck dynasty is the theme of this years xmas extravaganza. they are the grand marshalls. i shaved my beard yesterday.

Dec 14, 13 8:43 am  · 
Office is expanding. I'm installing a "new" circa 1998 HP plotter in the basement with a P4 hooked to it to do print and file serving & backups. It's basic but good for my needs. The office I bought the plotter threw in a 2005 vintage 24" plotter for free, needs new print heads and ink. Probably set that one up soon too. Now just need a few more projects...slow for the holidays.
Dec 14, 13 1:38 pm  · 

Off to go see the Nutcracker Ballet in a winter snow storm. 

Dec 14, 13 5:56 pm  · 

hey everybody just realized i hadn't stopped by TC in a week or so. not even sure i lurked...

had a busy week last week, new software installation/upgrade rolled out at work. then spent weekend in Jacksonville helping friend move into new/first home.

beautiful old(ish) home in historic Riverside/Avondale. Since i discovered that neighborhood a few years ago realized not all of Jax is a shit-hole. I guess the same can be said of any city (even Orlando) just have to find the walkable/hip/old neighborhoods.

also went to work holiday party and drank some for free. I kept telling myself to stop drinking the moment i felt like getting on dance-floor. Alternatively some went as far as twerking...

Dec 16, 13 9:25 pm  · 

then spent weekend in Jacksonville helping friend move into new/first home.

beautiful old(ish) home in historic Riverside/Avondale. Since i discovered that neighborhood a few years ago realized not all of Jax is a shit-hole. I guess the same can be said of any city (even Orlando) just have to find the walkable/hip/old neighborhoods.

Is this Riverside/Avondale also known as Five Points?  I believe that, at the very least, Five Points is near it, in which case it is a nice neighborhood.  I don't know.  I think living in FL requires a modernist home, much like would be the case in the Palm Springs "mini" metro area.

Jax always intrigued me based on the way it's laid out on the map, with ocean beaches to the north (Fernandina and Amelia Island) and to the south (Neptune, Jax, and Ponte Vedra), but then the river winds inward to make for its harbor, downtown, and Jacksonville Landing.  Then, I finally got to see Jax.  Downtown's CBD thins out into blight and vacant lots quickly.  Locals, and especially transplants, will tell you that both the north and west sides are either really redneck or ghetto.  MIA-FLL-Palm Beach it certainly is not.

I believe that, of the major FL metros and without looking at the map, UF is closest to Jax.

Dec 17, 13 12:33 am  · 

OMG I just realized I accidentally pulled the cream shirt out of the closet this morning instead of the same shirt but in white - which means I'm wearing ivory, black, and heather grey: NOT OK!

I'm so embarrassed.

Dec 17, 13 8:17 am  · 

i don't even know what that means donna.  i grabbed shirt with the lights out.  pretty sure my eyes were still closed.  still haven't seen what color it is.

edit: just looked down because i was curious.  red.

Dec 17, 13 9:11 am  · 

Donna, if it makes you feel better, my shoes are brown and my belt is black.

Dec 17, 13 9:12 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
I'm home today with a sick kid. Sucks because he's sick, sure, but it's the last week before break. I hate that.

He has cold-like symptoms and a rash. Could be something as cool as scarlet fever, or he could just have boring old allergies. Since it's completely curable, and not so scary now, I'm hoping for scarlet fever, it sounds fancier.
Dec 17, 13 9:32 am  · 

@donna what curtkram said.

@observant yes that is correct basically Five Points.  I would prefer a modern home myself but doubt there are many/any in that neighborhood.

as for the city yes CBD is basically empty except during business hours or NFL gameday. That being said i did notice they are doing the whole gentrify/redensify along river thing with a bunch of new mixed-use lofts going up. not my cup of tea necessarily stylistically but at least not new suburban sprawl...

Dec 17, 13 10:49 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

People were twerking at the holiday office party? Tsk, tsk. Oh Floridians. 

Dec 17, 13 10:56 am  · 

TINT right?

Dec 17, 13 12:15 pm  · 

Can we roll back the world a bit and decide to call it something else? The word twerking makes my skin crawl. Are we out of letter sequences that DON'T sound ridiculous?

Dec 17, 13 12:40 pm  · 

@ Nam: also, the Florida Theater downtown is quite a place, though I did not go inside.  It didn't appear to be a place that shows first-run movies.

@ Sarah:  I have a cold as well.  Go on a road trip in winter, get a cold.  As for scarlet, you don't want any of that stuff.  Nor do you want a "scarlet letter" for him ... or anybody.  I remember we had to read that book and it made me mad. Not that we had to read it, but the content.

Dec 17, 13 2:15 pm  · 

Oh dear, black shoes brown belt or vice versa...this is a controversial one.  I *never* wear mismatched brown/black shoes/belt.  I *will* wear black or brown shoes with a green belt. But my super fashionista former partner claims mixing black and brown is quite fine these days.  Too cutting edge for me.

Dec 17, 13 2:48 pm  · 

I wear what I own and mix it up when I get bored. My partner gets upset when I "dress up" without warning. Today was simply not being able to find any brown belts and deciding I didn't care enough to do a class iv search.

Dec 17, 13 3:05 pm  · 

I was out in a snow storm measuring a cold old New England House in the middle of the country. So I was dressed for the event except I left my slippers at home.  The clients like most frugal Yankees keep a large portion of the house freezing cold.  I noticed as I walked into the mud room all there slippers liked up by the door.  So knew just than it was a no winter shoes allowed house.  So I danced around in the house in my stocking feet.  Measure in the cold part of the house for while then go to the warm part of the house and measure just to warm up my toes.  Back home after sliding around with all the SUV's and plows. So I guess I can have a beer and call it a day.

Dec 17, 13 4:43 pm  · 

That actually sounds nice, snooker. I spent the day tracing badly drawn site plans.

Dec 17, 13 4:59 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

It's strep throat with a rash, otherwise known as scarlet fever.  He can go back to school on Thursday.  Not sure what I'm going to do with him tomorrow.

Dec 17, 13 5:04 pm  · 

Epizeuxis. Epizeuxis. Epizeuxis.

Dec 17, 13 5:04 pm  · 

@observant saw one of best shows of my life there. Yo La Tengo and Sun Ra's Arkestra (minus Sun Ra of course)...

Dec 17, 13 5:51 pm  · 

Next week I'm having lunch with five other architect friends.  My husband will likely politely decline.

Smart man.

Dec 17, 13 10:24 pm  · 

thats tough Sarah.  My wife and I are always juggling taking days off to be home with our sick kids. Its not easy in workaholic japan.

no idea what you are saying either Donna. I have on green sneakers and orange socks and my belt is the one that holds up my jeans. I think its red leather but can't tell cuz my ridiculously over-priced shirt is covering it, cuz it ain't tucked in. I figure if its loud enough people will assume its a fashion choice and then I don't have to worry about my clothes any more. Except the shirt. which is expensive and from a cool high end tokyo store designed by a star architect, which means it must be awesome...right?

Actually I do pay more attention than that, but Tokyo is so crazy with the expensive or cheap but trendy clothing it is impossible to keep up without buying a book or hiring someone.  But the matching you described totally sounds fine to me. Such an incomprehensible world (fashion).

Supposed to snow tonight! First snow of the year if it actually happens. Kids are totally excited.

Dec 18, 13 4:10 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Ugh. I hate snow. I mean, I like it ok here, where it doesn't hang around long enough to turn muddy, and I don't have to deal with salt stains on my soggy pants, but I definatly no longer get excited about it like when I was a kid.

I thought of you yesterday, Will. We had an Anime party at school, and the kids brought weird Japanese treats. There were panda heads stuffed with chocolate, and a pink plastic cat filled with jelly cups. Still not sure what those were. What is it with the Japanese wanting to eat 'cute' animals?

And don't get me started on the crazy Japanese 'rock' music they were playing. Those bands looked like pasty vampires. I think one even had blonde dreads. Kids these days.
Dec 18, 13 8:32 am  · 

OK, so black is a stark color, you could call it "crisp".  White is definitely crisp.  A white shirt with black is *very* crisp.  Grey or cream are "soft" colors; a cream/ivory shirt can't be crisp.  So yesterday I was wearing stark black plus TWO soft colors, which in my mind doesn't work.  It should have been black/white crispness softened with one color, heather grey.

Today I'm wearing black and brown, no other colors.  But I have three tones of brown, including socks.  Belt and shoes are both black.

Dec 18, 13 8:44 am  · 
Non Sequitur

All my white shirts are black.

Dec 18, 13 9:09 am  · 

will, let me guess.


Shirt was bought at Tod's in Omotesando?


I love that building.

Dec 18, 13 10:19 am  · 

Ugh. I hate snow.

If I could live in Montreal, I'd have to learn to love snow.  As for snow, the only things about it I don't like are driving in it, runny noses, and dangerously icy porches and steps.  One wants to make it to snowbird status someday without breaking that hip beforehand.

Dec 18, 13 1:48 pm  · 
Orange-mustard yellow-and camouflage today. The snow is still white.
Dec 18, 13 1:50 pm  · 

across the street from it pete, but close enough.

donna, that still makes no sense to me, but I'll trust that you are right. I would throw on a polka dot orange shirt or something to go with the crisp and feel quite good about it...don't actually own any black come to think on it...which is clearly contributing to not being a properly famous architect. Maybe i can compensate with funky hair...

lol sarah. We have students coming from china who are i think actually in japan just for the manga and anime, not the education. Its an amazing sub-culture and even less comprehensible than fashion for me. Completely amoral and message free. But then this is the land of the maid's cafe, so why not?

Dec 18, 13 6:28 pm  · 

What is the Deal with The Naked Dudes at the Gym visiting the Maid's Cafe?

Dec 18, 13 7:58 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Nice, snook. I think you got your threads crossed. Are you one of the guys in the locker room?
Dec 18, 13 8:13 pm  · 

Spelling patrol:

Warren Buffett's last name is spelled Buffett, with 2 ts. 

Buffet is spelled with 1 t.

I can now disassociate thinking about him and food, not that I think about him to begin with.  However, I think that he can buy some seriously high quality food and eat at places I can't afford on a consistent basis.

Dec 18, 13 8:15 pm  · 


Not a gym Jock!  I would rather spend my time in Nature...running Nude in My Santa Hat! 

I only know what I know about  Warren by his friend  William.  William was a fine fellow.

He once told me when my "X's" wife's stocks were soaring, that it would come to an end.

Her stock was with William and  a considerable amount of  fund was with Warren.  Damn, William is gone, I'm divorced and the stocks still seem to be soaring.  Oh ya they were good personal friends, Warren mentions him in his autobiography.

Sometimes I feel like

Dec 18, 13 8:26 pm  · 

Don't some people suck?  And aren't dogs awesome?  Watch.

Dec 18, 13 10:44 pm  · 
Party for 40 at my house tonight. They won't mind if I don't quite get all the vacuuming done, right?
Dec 19, 13 6:21 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Party for 40?! Where do you put them all?

And why wasn't I invited?

Snook, I just had the funniest visual. It should be a painting. Maybe I'll get on that.
Dec 19, 13 8:15 am  · 

Maid's cafe?  Japna & the exhaustion of consumerism.  They're was a good quote abut modern japan coultrure too but damn I can not find it.

Dec 19, 13 12:21 pm  · 

Dunno, I think both the maid's cafe and harajuku are a symptom of the oppressive conformist mainstream culture (the fact that they act out publicly in groups, in 'safe zones) - the hikkikomori, withdrawal from society ( has been a rather major problem with many unable to interact with other people outside of a virtual world (maid's cafes are one type of outlet).  The recent news item of services providing "a walk with a high school girl" is yet another disturbing trend (girls being harassed in this service  is somehow 'surprising' to officials).

Dec 19, 13 3:16 pm  · 

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