Vessel Studio

Vessel Studio

Los Angeles, CA


Lake Tahoe Residence

This 3 bedroom, 2200sf home is strategically positioned on a sloping wooded 1.5 acre site in order to both physically and visually connect each primary interior living space to the unobstructed rugged landscape which surrounds it. The master bedroom extends towards the east morning light, the main living space is exposed to the north and south, capturing the key mountain views as well as direct southern light, and the kitchen/dining area is perched high above the ground open towards the western setting sun. The occupant mimics the sun's movement through the space further connecting the home to its environment.

To further blur the line between inside and outside space, some exterior materials such as exposed concrete, wood siding and cor-ten steel continue on the interior defining the building envelope spatially as a volume rather than a plane. Through this modern, sustainable approach, we are able to focus and maximize the impact this beautiful untouched landscape has on the living spaces within while minimizing the visual impact the structure imposes on the site.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Lake Tahoe, Ca
Firm Role: Architect