Archinect - Forum 2024-06-17T05:41:42-04:00 LADBS lack of response haruki 2024-06-16T17:07:16-04:00 >2024-06-16T17:07:16-04:00 <p>After addressing all of the LADBS plan check engineer's corrections and getting all of the clearances taken care of I've been trying to schedule the hopefully final verification meeting with the plan check engineer.&nbsp; The plan check engineer hasn't been responding to my emails or phone calls for over three weeks. Does anyone with LADBS experience have thoughts on how pushy I should or should not be? For instance should I start cc'ing her supervisor, call her supervisor, just be patient....? In the old days when they let the public show up in person I would probably go to the counter and try to push matters that way.&nbsp;</p> Your Personal Take on Residential Bathroom Types Professional Student 2024-06-14T21:44:16-04:00 >2024-06-16T17:10:29-04:00 <p>What's your personal take on shared full bathroom spaces vs private full bathroom spaces.&nbsp;<br><br></p> <p>For example, some residential designs do not have master/primary bathrooms. Instead it's just one large bathroom with a large sink area, shower, and tub, and a separate toilet closet.&nbsp;</p> <p>And then others have the typical private full bath for master/primary bedroom and shared full bath. See floor plan examples below<br><br><strong>Shared Bathroom Example Below:</strong></p> <figure><p><a href=";enlarge=true&amp;w=1028" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src=";enlarge=true&amp;w=514"></a></p></figure><figure><p><a href=";enlarge=true&amp;w=1028" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src=";enlarge=true&amp;w=514"></a></p></figure><p><br><br><strong>Private Bathroom Example Below:</strong></p> <figure><figure><a href=";enlarge=true&amp;w=1028" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src=";enlarge=true&amp;w=514"></a><a href=";enlarge=true&amp;w=1028" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src=";enlarge=true&amp;w=514"></a></figure></figure><p>&nbsp;Pros and Cons</p> <p><strong>Pros / Cons for Shared Bath</strong><br>(+) Less fixtures<br>(+) Centralized location<br>(+) Allows more space to be allocated to other rooms<br>(-) Lacks privacy<br>(-) Possibly not enough fixtures (Wait for shower, toilet, sink)&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Pros / Cons for Private Bath</strong><br>(+) Full Privacy<br>(+) Can utilize wetwall adjacent to shared bathroom<br>(+) Provides additional fixtures<br>(-) increases upfront cost of fixture count&nbsp;<br>(-) increases floor area and walls<br>(-) additional MEP systems required.&nbsp; <br></p> PM to PA Transition BulgarBlogger 2024-06-14T17:40:26-04:00 >2024-06-16T02:06:32-04:00 <p>Disliking doing admin work. Currently making $160k at 15 years of experience. If I wanted to transition to doing more PA work, should I expect a big pay cut and if so, why?</p> CD - not S&S Lenka Ilic 2024-06-10T18:50:00-04:00 >2024-06-11T18:11:06-04:00 <p>I came across an architectural CD set that hasn&rsquo;t been signed and sealed. The CA is ongoing. DOB set is S&amp;S by AoR.&nbsp;<br></p> <p>Is this illegal not to have Construction Document Set Signed and Sealed in NYS, with construction ongoing?&nbsp;<br></p> <p>Thank you for any thoughts in advance.&nbsp;</p> Are we actually making diagrams professionally? jjoa 2024-06-06T16:41:00-04:00 >2024-06-11T10:16:11-04:00 <p>Hello all! I have been in school for architecture for a while now and have always loved making beautiful, complicated BIG-esque diagrams for studio. However, when I have worked professionally, it feels like there is either not enough time, not enough budget, or just not enough interest to make any at all. We push representation so much in school.....but professionally it feels like only the big, shiny design firms actually make diagrams consistently. I am trying to do a little research into if this is just the way things are now, or if I am just wrong!</p> <p>Thoughts? Do "regular" firms spend time on full-blown diagrams? If not, why? If so, how?!&nbsp;</p> <p>The types of diagrams I'm taking about:</p> <p><img src="/images/nav/spacer.gif"></p> <p><img src="/images/nav/spacer.gif"></p> <p><br></p> last minute OAA CEU's (continuing education credits)? gentle puppies 2024-06-03T23:50:17-04:00 >2024-06-04T14:04:04-04:00 <p>Question for the architects in Ontario... I thought I had plenty of lunch and learns under my belt over the past reporting period, but only realized after going through my emails that I didn't get certificates for most of them and am officially about 10 hours short.&nbsp; This is a busy month, so I&nbsp;have about 3 work weeks remaining to get this BS sorted out, or pay a $1000 fine and STILL have to sort this out after.&nbsp; Trying to decide whether to focus my efforts on finding some conference to attend that isn't too far from Toronto, or chase down all the Lunch&nbsp;and Learn providers on missing certificates (no doubt most might not be able to help if it's not recent).&nbsp; Ugh, any suggestions?</p> NYC Licensed Architects - Advice Needed 93lt 2024-05-29T22:14:00-04:00 >2024-06-09T16:01:09-04:00 <p>Hi all, I am a licensed architect working for a big organization in NYC, my day to day work does not really involve architectural design and there will be no conflict of interests for me to take a side job.</p> <p>I have never personally stamped drawings or done DoB permitting before. Recently an interior designer friend reached out and asked me to prepare a set of permit drawings and need to stamp them. It is a rather straightforward 3-bed condo unit renovation project on the UES, and it does not involve in any load bearing/structural alterations. However, i am contemplating whether or not to take it because of potential professional liability issues. It seems that i am able to obtain professional E&amp;O insurance as a sole proprietor, but i am still concerned about getting sued by the Condo/GC/Client since i do not know any of them, and i don't know the risks if no MEP engineer stamps the drawings. My preferred route would be to establish a PLLC in NY state but that would take ~3 months.</p> <p>An...</p> Extreme dysfunction at AIA national bureauspacecraft 2024-05-23T12:45:44-04:00 >2024-06-16T15:08:25-04:00 <p>There has been a lot of chatter this year about seemingly serious issues with AIA national, but these issues (apart from the "typical" AIA issues) don't seem to have come up on Archinect yet. See threads below, which are hearsay but seem legit:</p> <p><a href="" title="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p> <p><a href=";sort.ascending=false&amp;filter.iso3Language=eng" title=";sort.ascending=false&amp;filter.iso3language=eng" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">;sort.ascending=false&amp;filter.iso3Language=eng</a></p> <p>Is the collapse of the AIA inevitable (or possibly welcome?) Can members do anything to help right the ship or is it worth the effort at this point?</p> Value of Licensure? asweat2024 2024-05-23T11:43:00-04:00 >2024-05-27T15:00:56-04:00 <p>What is the true value of an architectural license, monetarily speaking, compared to other license types like engineering, PMP certification, or a contractor's license? Many grants require a contractor's license, and it's common for designers to seek an engineer's sign-off on documents to reduce liability. This is a broad question, but I'm struggling to find a good metric for comparing the value of a license versus other types. </p> <p>My current goal is to use a license for personal development projects like multifamily, but I'm unsure if I should pursue a PMP certificate instead for my 9-5pm job. I don't have high-end clients to afford architectural billing, and that's not the business I want to be in. My ten-year plan involves developing small multifamily properties and working in the energy sector from 9-5. The architecture career path doesn't seem viable for a reasonable quality of life; I've worked in two excellent firms but was paid significantly less compared to other industries,...</p> NCARB - RIBA UK Reciprocity bureauspacecraft 2024-05-17T11:10:00-04:00 >2024-05-17T19:45:20-04:00 <p>How useful is getting the reciprocal RIBA license for UK practice utilizing the relatively new NCARB-RIBA reciprocity path? It's not cheap; besides the required NCARB certificate, there's a 450 USD record transmittal fee, and 2950 GBP UK adaptation assessment fee.&nbsp;</p> <p>If I'm, hypothetically, an architect licensed in the US with 10 years of experience, how likely is it that I could get the reciprocal RIBA license and just get a job anywhere in the UK? Slim to none? Is this only for people in very specific situations?&nbsp;</p> NOT Going Out on Your Own archanonymous 2024-04-26T07:59:00-04:00 >2024-05-08T12:50:14-04:00 <p>We've had the other thread.&nbsp;</p> <p>Now tell me why you continue to work for someone else.&nbsp;</p> <p>I get the questions so much (when are you going to go out on your own?) and the answer is "probably never" or "when I get invited to be the design partner in a new firm" because I would be terrible at all the things you need to do to actually run a business.&nbsp;</p> Going out on your own. Chad Miller 2024-04-24T15:46:20-04:00 >2024-05-06T13:33:30-04:00 <p>For those of you who started your own firm:</p><p>What made you decide to step out on your own?</p><p>Any advice for those thinking about doing the same?</p><p>Just to be clear - I am <strong>NOT</strong> thinking about doing this. I'm just curious to hear the stories and experience of others.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Pro-bono work and liability G4tor 2024-04-22T11:30:27-04:00 >2024-04-26T18:55:42-04:00 <p>Wondering what the community's thoughts were about doing pro-bono work but NOT stamping. I know this topic's been discussed before and the consensus was mixed: sketches was the line for some while drawings w/o stamp for the line for others. Technically, every document we produce is our instrument of service and the liability is solely on the professional so what would liability mean w/ or w/o stamp in this case? I know none of us are lawyers but maybe there are some helpful anecdotes here.</p> Architect License Hold Harmless Agreement Anon Myous 2024-04-17T14:57:50-04:00 >2024-04-21T22:40:49-04:00 <p>I'm an architect looking to join a firm which would like to use my license to stamp drawings. I'm looking for some kind of legally binding document which will hold me not liable for any claims brought against projects which use my license. The owner of the firm has liability insurance and the agent has stated in an email that I won&rsquo;t be held liable ever. What should I do?</p> UpCodes BulgarBlogger 2024-04-17T13:14:04-04:00 >2024-04-25T15:31:09-04:00 <p>Curious to know people's opinion on using Upcodes rather than the free ICC version of the applicable codes for your jurisdiction.&nbsp;</p><p>I&nbsp;can understand the benefits of using Upcodes, but am not comfortable with trusting anything but the source for code information. Thoughts?</p> In-house counsel / lawyer bowling_ball 2024-04-09T17:37:36-04:00 >2024-04-10T00:42:13-04:00 <p>As the title says, I'm curious if anybody here has in-house counsel to review contracts, insurance, etc, and if so, any details you feel like sharing, such as firm size, typical project types and/or budgets, and geographical area. Feel free to keep it as vague as you wish, and many thanks to those who do share.&nbsp;</p><p>I'll start - we don't have this, but several years ago we were named in a lawsuit (thrown out) and as our contracts and work typologies get more complex by the day, I'm starting to wonder if it might be worth it (not that we can afford it yet). We're about 30 people and do lots of work in healthcare...</p><p>Thanks</p> Robert Gordon Bsc Architecture not prescribed 2010 niamhmorrison 2024-03-31T16:59:00-04:00 >2024-03-31T16:59:06-04:00 <p>Hello All, I completed my BSC in Architecture at Robert Gordon in 2010 and I was recently.infotmed by the ARB that the course in 2010 was not prescribed. However, my Masters is. The ARB will not issue me with an EU Cert which I need to sit the Professional Exam in Ireland. However, fellow alumni have gone down the same educational route and were able to sit the Professional Exam in Ireland. I'm very confused as to what has changed and why the process is suddenly different for me. Amy advice would be greatly appreciated.&nbsp;</p> CE Conferences 2024? mririe 2024-03-19T15:16:00-04:00 >2024-03-20T02:01:09-04:00 <p>Hey everyone. I'm looking for alternatives to the annual AIA Conference for architects looking for Continuing Education credits. I've enjoyed the AIA conferences in the past, but curious if you have any other ideas to consider to perhaps focus the training a bit more.&nbsp;</p> <p>I see the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">ICC has an annual conference</a>, not sure if their credits directly transfer to AIA?&nbsp;</p> <p>I used to attend the <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">A4LE conference</a> when my focus was K12, but I&nbsp;now work in the advanced tech sector. Do any of you have any advanced tech conferences directly applicable to architects/designers?&nbsp;R&amp;D, life science labs, etc.?</p> <p>Much appreciated!&nbsp;</p> How much do you rate this design? imahesh 2024-03-13T22:09:00-04:00 >2024-05-13T12:46:10-04:00 <p>I did a design for a G+1 house facing north road. How much do you rste this design in general interms of aesthetics&nbsp;</p> <figure><p><a href=";w=1028" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src=";w=514"></a></p></figure> Thinking of Doing My Own Structural Calcs for Home Projects - Crazy Idea? ligesaja 2024-03-10T23:40:00-04:00 >2024-03-11T15:42:17-04:00 <p>Hey everyone,</p> <p>So, I've been tossing around the idea of handling the structural calculations myself for my home projects. Usually, I'd pass this off to the experts, but part of me is curious if I could manage it on my own.</p> <p>Do any of you do your own calcs, or is that just asking for trouble? I'm pretty handy and know my way around a construction site, but I'm no engineer. Are there tools or guides out there that have helped you out? And how do you make sure you're not missing something important that could get you in hot water later on?</p> <p>Would really appreciate hearing if anyone's gone down this road themselves. Any stories or advice you've got could really help me figure out if this is something I should even consider.</p> <p>Thanks for letting me pick your brains!</p> Exterior Roof Insulation - Location of "Control Layers" Professional Student 2024-03-06T17:30:00-05:00 >2024-03-20T03:16:08-04:00 <p>I&nbsp;sometimes see conflicting details for cathedral roof details that have exterior insulation. I am curious about other's experiences. I have detailed exterior roofs many ways depending on firm details, GC and product reps specs.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Option 1</strong></p> <p>Finish Roof &gt; Battens &gt; Poly Iso Insulation Staggered &gt; Air and Vapor Barrier &gt; Sheathing&nbsp;&gt; Structure</p> <p><strong>Option 2</strong></p> <p>Finish Roof &gt; Battens &gt; Drainage Membrane &gt; Poly Iso Insulation Staggered &gt; Air and Vapor Barrier &gt; Sheathing&nbsp;&gt; Structure</p> <p><strong>Option 3</strong></p> <p>Finish Roof &gt; Drainage Membrane &gt; Plywood &gt; Battens &gt; Poly Iso Insulation Staggered &gt; Air and Vapor Barrier &gt; Sheathing &gt; Structure&nbsp;</p> <figure><p><a href=";w=1028" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src=";w=514"></a></p></figure><figure><p><a href=";w=1028" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src=";w=514"></a></p></figure><figure><p><a href=";w=1028" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src=";w=514"></a></p></figure><p><br></p> How often are you seeing large/oversized doors in your plans? kaifsyed 2024-03-06T13:14:00-05:00 >2024-03-07T15:47:15-05:00 <p>I'm doing some market research on the behalf of a door manufacturer that is trying to understand how they should think about the market. I'm having a really hard time getting some perspective on the large format/oversized door trend -- can anyone give me any insight on how much of the market is going into the oversized category?&nbsp;<br></p> Information about '' Being an architect in California '' architectalina 2024-03-01T13:39:00-05:00 >2024-03-01T14:41:42-05:00 <p>Hi guys,</p> <p>I am an architect and I have received a job offer from Souther California starting this summer, and I am currently thinking about it. There are some questions that I would like to ask and learn from people who have previously worked as architects in California or are still working as architects in California.( especially using Revit as a pro )</p> <p>How to draw at Revit in California?</p> <p>I have California Building Code books. What parts should I pay attention to in this book? Which pages and sections&nbsp; are about&nbsp; the education building code located? Which one of these codes have to definitely know&nbsp; ?&nbsp; How can I learn everything about the education building code ?</p> <p>What types of walls do you use in Revit? I know it varies by project, but I want to know everything about your project drawing rules in Revit.</p> <p>Do you using Revit's family or creating your own family template ?&nbsp;</p> <p>What is it southern California materials and methods of construction&nbsp; ?</p> <p>&nbsp;<br>To put it simply , I want to learn&nbsp; the ar...</p> Breaking the fee ceiling a.addesso 2024-02-16T12:57:00-05:00 >2024-02-29T23:57:38-05:00 <p>Many of the residential projects have a larger budget than our commercial projects do. But the fees are incredibly low, even with a construction budgets over 1 mil. Is it time to just walk away from residential design all together? How do you get clients to agree to a 5% fee on a&nbsp; $1 mill where the competition is barely breaking 1%</p> NYC / fees for SMEP Engineers Continuum 2024-02-07T15:45:28-05:00 >2024-02-08T13:35:02-05:00 <p>For people who work in Manhattan, what were your typical fee structure&nbsp; like for structural and MEP engineers? Let's assume the scope is a gut renovation with minor alterations in structure of a 4-5 story townhouse<br><br>I ask mainly because I am trying to understand how much architect profit is needed for different types of projects, including how much to allocate to engineers. If the project is decently expensive, let's say 8M construction, and the architect makes 5% profit for a project that takes two years, that is 200k/year gross. After giving fees to engineers, it basically looks like I can't hire anyone from that 5%.</p> How to navigate a, somewhat clueless, colleague? identitycrisis-archineer 2024-01-26T16:33:00-05:00 >2024-02-01T09:01:59-05:00 <p>I have this situation at work, and I would like to hear a wise word from you, smart people of the internet.&nbsp;</p> <p>I am about a year and a half in work after graduation. I had a somewhat specific path, my education going from civil/construction engineering, and ending up as an architectural engineer, grabbing as much work during summers as I could.</p> <p>'Nuff about me... A couple of months in at this company, we have wrapped up some construction drawings from a project that came at the same time as I did. Exciting times I thought, let's get to work! After the initial brief reading, and understanding of the programme, we went on to do some massing studies.&nbsp;</p> <p>Before continuing, the colleague was a drafter for some years, climbed up the ladders and managed to get some manager opportunities. He learned his trade that's for sure, and has a pretty solid knowledge of the technical stuff, but no official education in architecture nor engineering.&nbsp;</p> <p>Even though I am on the technical side for sure, and te...</p> WeARE Study Bundle gforce03 2024-01-23T02:31:39-05:00 >2024-03-15T01:45:58-04:00 <p>Hi guys!&nbsp;</p><p>I am studying for the ARE exam and came across the WeARE study bundle. They have a group discount and I already have 3 people (myself included) interested in it. I&nbsp;was wondering if anyone here would be interested in joining us?</p><p>See the attached image for details.</p><p>Thanks in advance!<br></p><figure><p><a href=";w=1028" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src=";w=514"></a></p></figure><p><br></p> Type Ib roof assembly shellarchitect 2023-12-29T12:02:21-05:00 >2024-01-08T09:31:09-05:00 <p>looking for a cost effective 1 hour roof assembly. &nbsp;I&rsquo;ve been told that there is an approved assembly that using cement board instead of a poured concrete deck but am not having much luck tracking this down. &nbsp;<br></p><p>Anyone have experience with this or a similar assembly? &nbsp;This is for a giant factory so cost is the primary concern.&nbsp;<br></p><p>Thanks!</p> Sitting Duck - S0S Sitting Duck 2023-12-14T16:07:00-05:00 >2023-12-14T17:07:13-05:00 <p>I'm feeling frustrated / at a loss career wise. </p> <p>I started at what I thought was a dream job this past summer and now want to quit.&nbsp; </p> <p>During the interview, the firm principal/hiring advisor outright stated he was looking to align me with design and master planning opportunities given my experience. He communicated I would start on smaller projects to help push things through and get acclimated then larger projects. That all sounded great to me. </p> <p>The confusion started within the in the 2nd month when the principal who interviewed me said I was on the project manager track from what he took away in the interview. I was confused and made a note to follow up at the 90-day review two weeks later as that meeting was not the time. The morning before my 90-day review I was onboarding on a new project when that project's manager said &ldquo;Think of project manager goals you want to take away from this project&rdquo; unprompted as if I was looking for those. Later that day during the 90-day review I...</p> PA Title. Protected? BabbleBeautiful 2023-12-12T15:57:00-05:00 >2023-12-13T17:13:36-05:00 <p>I just want to verify the title "Project Architect" is protected nationwide under the same law as "Architect." A quick search only yields results for CA and MA which makes me think it's regulated state-by-state?</p>