Archinect - Forum 2024-09-17T18:37:18-04:00 Permitted development timrada 2024-09-04T12:23:00-04:00 >2024-09-06T14:52:38-04:00 <p>Hi Folk</p><p>I have a project, I need to demolish the existing extension and expand its garden, so which application should I make from the planning portal?<br></p> <p>Ede</p> When to hire more employees ellerystudio 2024-08-28T17:25:00-04:00 >2024-09-04T14:18:20-04:00 <p>Hello, I am visiting from the Landscape Architecture world. I am wondering if there is an industry metric or KPI that indicates when to hire more staff, backed by data?&nbsp;For instance, is there a best practice of "when staff utilization exceeds XX%, you should consider hiring"?&nbsp;</p> <p>What does your firm use as a metric? Do you wait until everyone feels too busy to hire, or do you wait until a big contract comes in?</p> Roles that don't require drawing curiousblogger 2024-08-27T11:21:00-04:00 >2024-08-28T22:15:39-04:00 <p>I am reaching out to the more experienced professionals in this forum to ask for some insight.</p> <p> I am in graduate school with 2-3 years work experience behind me and currently trying to determine the right role after graduating.<br></p> <p>&nbsp;At all jobs I worked so far I was in a production role where I had to produce graphics, drawings and models in a fast pace either for front end, technical design or construction issue.<br></p> <p>&nbsp;However, the case is that I have autism and OCD, so I struggled a lot with producing to deadlines because of my obsession to make drawings look really perfect and highly accurate. As a result I was really a slow and unproductive employee compared to industry standards. I wasn't a slacker, instead I made an effort, but worked very slowly. However, project managers were shouting at me and I ended up losing jobs. </p> <p>I don't want to have that experience again and I have come to the realization that jobs which require using software to produce drawings to deadlines are not suitable ...</p> Seeking Advice on Highlighting Revit Skills and Job Search Strategies Akshit Sethi 2024-08-23T03:14:17-04:00 >2024-08-23T17:38:33-04:00 <p>Hey everyone,</p> <p>I recently completed my Master&rsquo;s program and am currently seeking job opportunities in the US market. With nearly 3 years of experience in India, including internships and full-time work, I have extensive experience with Rhino, AutoCAD, and SketchUp for drafting and modeling.</p> <p>I recently had an interview, but I was not hired due to my lack of professional experience with Revit. I understand that Revit is now a key industry standard. I&rsquo;ve been actively learning Revit through YouTube tutorials and advice from colleagues, and I&rsquo;m working to build my skills in this area.</p> <p>What would be the best way to convey this? The Indian market did not use Revit and now it's dragging me down when I apply for jobs in the US.&nbsp;</p> <p>Would appreciate any tips or advice! Appreciate your help.&nbsp;</p> Internship vs. Junior position | European Job Market Dbrtll 2024-08-21T12:34:00-04:00 >2024-08-21T12:34:45-04:00 <p>Hello,&nbsp;</p><p>I found a lot of useful information over this forum but I still don&rsquo;t know what to do in my situation.&nbsp;</p><p>I&rsquo;m about to finish my Masters, currently studying in Portugal (not a top tier university but still with a good reputation in Europe). I want to move out from Portugal, as I don&rsquo;t see any job prospects in the country. Top of my list would be moving to Switzerland, Netherlands or Germany, however I&rsquo;ll be willing to move anywhere in Europe that I land a fair position (not expecting anything more than minimum wage as I know how&rsquo;s the job market).</p><p>From your experience, how hard is to find an entry level position in these countries if I don&rsquo;t speak their language, my better shot would be an internship then? I speak Portuguese, English, Italian and have a basic French that could be improved to conversational after 4 months effort, but in case of Dutch or German it would take me up to 2 years to reach the same level.</p><p>My background is a Bachelors from Brazil, three relevant internship...</p> Portfolio templates ZoeNaq 2024-08-13T23:39:50-04:00 >2024-08-22T15:36:53-04:00 <p>Hey, I&rsquo;m working on updating my portfolio and wanted to see if anyone has a resource to good portfolio templates that I could use to save time ? Also any tips? <br><br> Thank you</p> Advice before applying for jobs. JArch821 2024-08-13T19:17:00-04:00 >2024-08-17T12:22:36-04:00 <p>Hello,&nbsp;<br></p> <p>I was wondering if anyone could help offer me a bit of advice. I recently graduated with my bachelor&rsquo;s degree, and before applying to jobs I need to complete putting together my portfolio.&nbsp;<br></p> <p>However, there&rsquo;s a couple I really need to redo and I know this needs some time. I am wondering if anyone has any ideas on how I can still have some connection to the field during this time eg through volunteering or courses I can do, or really any way to keep learning/ have some experience before I start applying. I really want to use this time productively aside from redoing the projects.</p> <p>Thank you so much.</p> Just got laid off - suggestions needed! ZoeNaq 2024-08-12T23:57:00-04:00 >2024-08-22T21:45:27-04:00 <p>I got laid off last week after working at a firm for 6yrs. I&rsquo;m working on my portfolio to update it and will start applying soon but this recession is making me think..should I invest in getting certifications that will help my resume? Please suggest if CDT/LEEDs is worth it. </p> <p>Also what else can I do to make myself stand out <br><br><br><br>Thank you</p> AA Emtech Msc. After a 5 year BEng in Architectural Engineering and Urban Planning sherineelabd 2024-08-10T19:08:00-04:00 >2024-08-15T09:54:17-04:00 <p>Hello,</p> <p>As the Title says, I graduated from the German University in Cairo, Egypt with a BEng in Architecture Engineering and Urban Planning, it&rsquo;s a five year degree which I suppose would qualify me for the RIBA Part II exam.&nbsp;<br></p> <p>I accepted an offer for Msc. in Emtech at AA, my question is, would this qualify me to work in the UK after graduating? or would I have to take the RIBA exams first before being considered for jobs in Architectural Firms since my BEng is not accredited as Part I in the UK.</p> <p>Any advice would be highly appreciated:)</p> Informational Interview Request corbto 2024-08-07T13:56:51-04:00 >2024-08-08T07:16:10-04:00 <p>Hi!</p> <p>I'm a graduate student coming into my last year of study. I'm in New York for a month and I&nbsp;was interested in setting up informational interviews with a couple of firms I&nbsp;admire/that I would be interested in working for post-grad.&nbsp;While I&nbsp;have reviewed a couple of previous forums regarding informational interviews, I&nbsp;was curious about the etiquette around requesting one. I'm confident in my email draft, but my question is ... should I&nbsp;attach my portfolio and/or resume in the initial email? I have done informational interviews before but they came more naturally that this wasn't necessary. Will firms use the portfolio/resume to consider whether it is worth their time to host me? Or should I&nbsp;avoid the added materials and work to draft a longer email about why I&nbsp;admire their company and would like to converse with them? I&nbsp;don't want to attach the materials if it seems 'too forward' or something. But of course, this is standard then I&nbsp;will do so.&nbsp;<br></p> <p>Any insight either way?&nbsp;</p> <p>Thanks in ...</p> Sector Choices: Transportation, Education or Healthcare lalu 2024-08-02T02:22:18-04:00 >2024-08-02T13:56:07-04:00 <p>I'm at final stages of interviews for several employers, and wanted to gather information ahead so I can make decisions quickly once (and if) the offer arrives.&nbsp;</p><p>Salary is about the same for all, but education is a tad higher. My highest personal interest is in transportation, healthcare, then education.&nbsp;</p><p>The dream is to work on an aviation project one day. However, if this is too niche I would gladly accept any warning to stay away.<br></p><p>What I would like to know is, which of these 3 would yield the most job security/highest pay for my senior career?&nbsp;</p><p>Thanks!</p> Salary Insights Devrict123 2024-07-30T13:03:00-04:00 >2024-08-02T12:38:53-04:00 <p>Hi&nbsp;Everyone -- looking for insights on salary for unlicensed professionals with 6-8 years experience. Currently job searching and would like some recent salaries of people who have recently transitioned jobs (or even current salary at a long standing job with this experience range). I know I can look at the AIA salary calculator and there is also a salary survey posted on archinect but I'm looking for up to date, recent realistic salaries/experiences with the current job market.&nbsp;</p> <p>For context, I'm in the south east United States mid-sized metro area with a moderate cost of living. I currently make 70k. Have worked in commercial as well as residential firms. Is it realistic to ask for 75-80k with my experience as the AIA salary calculator suggests? Any insights appreciated!&nbsp;</p> Changing firms when you have experience? OddArchitect 2024-07-22T14:26:00-04:00 >2024-07-29T14:07:16-04:00 <p>In the past, the site has had a lot of discussion about team members change firms.&nbsp; These team members typically have low to mid level of experience (ten years or so max).</p> <p>I'm wondering what more people experienced have encountered when looking to change firms.&nbsp; I'm thinking it would be a lot like getting back into dating after having been in a loooong term relationship.&nbsp; You know what you're doing but are kind of at a loss regarding the current process / culture.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>People with 15+ years experience, <strong><em>any</em></strong> insight on this?&nbsp; Changing firms, not the dating.&nbsp;<strong> ;)</strong><br></p> Finding work in the UK / EU as a US citizen flwrs 2024-07-19T16:49:31-04:00 >2024-07-19T16:49:31-04:00 <p>I am a young US citizen who has recently graduated with a non-professional bachelor's degree in architecture, planning to apply to graduate schools in London, Helsinki, Berlin, and Copenhagen this upcoming application cycle. I am interested in eventually becoming a permanent citizen either in the UK or EU (most attracted to London and Berlin), and would love to hear about the experiences other designers / architects have had moving abroad.&nbsp;</p><p>I'm particularly wondering about:&nbsp;ease of finding a job, sponsorships or visa requirements, unexpected challenges, benefits + holidays, professional growth opportunities, pay, pathway to citizenship, finding your community / network, differences from the US, etc. Is there anything you wish you knew or had done during the immigration process?&nbsp;Was there a difference in your professional life before and after becoming an official citizen?&nbsp;</p><p>Any perspective not specific to Europe or gaining citizenship is welcome. Thank you.&nbsp;</p> ​Path to Licensure- Canada or USA?​ Victoria1 2024-07-19T11:17:46-04:00 >2024-07-19T13:49:25-04:00 <p>I live in a border city in Ontario and am currently in the Internship in Architecture Program (IAP) to become a licensed architect in Ontario. I've always wanted the option to work in the USA (mostly because of the better pay), but would like the option to work in either country. Given this, should I consider working towards getting licensed through NCARB instead or continue through the OAA? Is there a way to be licensed in both countries? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.</p> What is a work sample? Mechitar 2024-07-10T14:30:00-04:00 >2024-07-11T17:26:32-04:00 <p>I've been in architecture for quite a while, but I'm still not sure what a "work sample" is when applying for an architectural position.&nbsp; It seems like it would be distinct from a portfolio, especially since sometimes a position posting/application requests submission of both work samples and a portfolio to apply.&nbsp; The name "work sample" suggests the actual product of one's work, such as construction drawings, renderings, sketches, and the like.&nbsp; But I also get the sense that "work sample" can often just mean "portfolio".&nbsp; So how do other people understand this term?<br></p> <p>By the way, I have worked only as a (non-design) project architect with no rendering work, so my portfolio for the most part does not show my design experience or renderings.&nbsp; It consists of images of projects I've worked on to give a sense of the type of work I've been involved in.&nbsp; I feel that working drawings don't make sense in a portfolio like that.&nbsp; Details I've done might fit in if they're "aesthetic" enough, but...</p> CV / Resume for Young Professionals dannyortega1 2024-07-06T18:47:00-04:00 >2024-07-09T10:35:26-04:00 <p>I've been meaning to update my CV and was wondering if the Archinect Community would have any good examples of CV and resumes for young professionals (2 - 5+ years experience). Obviously, this should not read like a recent grad CV so I was curious.&nbsp;</p> <p>Aside from education and employment, what other items should be included? I assume publications and a list of previous projects.&nbsp;<br></p> <p>Open to any thoughts and suggestions! Thanks!</p> Does anyone regret getting into architecture? JJ LL 2024-06-27T02:43:00-04:00 >2024-07-01T10:11:17-04:00 <p>After more than a decade in architecture, my desire to change careers has grown increasingly strong, particularly after working for several corporate firms. Many large companies encourage employees to obtain their licenses. However, once licensed, there is often no corresponding reward or promotion.<br></p> <p>The path to becoming a principal in architecture firms is arduous, requiring years of experience to reach a level of substantial salary and influence. Companies expect you to bring in projects, yet business is not part of an architect&rsquo;s formal education. Architects are trained to be excellent designers, not business people. However, being adept in business is crucial for sustaining a company.</p> <p>When large firms acquire new projects, they tend to hire more staff. Conversely, during lean periods, they lay off employees, making one feel like a disposable resource. This cyclical nature of employment adds to the growing disillusionment with the profession.</p> <p>No matter how hard we work as licensed...</p> 3Y exp Architect: Looking to apply to my dream firm AspiringArchitect 2024-06-05T07:31:51-04:00 >2024-06-21T18:07:02-04:00 <p>hi,</p> <p>I hope everyone is doing well. I've been working as an architect for three years now, and I have a conundrum I hope the ever-helpful community here can assist me with. I am planning to look for a new job and have come across some of my dream firms that are hiring. The issue is that within my three years of work experience, I have not worked on any projects that can be shown to these firms, as the type of projects I've done are completely different from what these firms focus on. For example, my work usually involved designing mid-range villas of about 400-600 sqm&mdash;nothing fancy. I am confused about whether I should showcase these works or add some conceptual/dummy projects to demonstrate the kind of projects these firms are more interested in. I would greatly appreciate your help.</p> <p>tl;dr I want to apply to my dream firm but i don't have any relatable projects in my closet.<br></p> Thoughts on moving from a small firm to global firm? G4tor 2024-05-30T21:19:45-04:00 >2024-06-05T10:27:21-04:00 <p>Contemplating a move from a small firm (0-15 people) to a global corporate firm (100+ people). The job title will be the same and I'll still be working within my niche market so my work wouldn't be too different. Any thoughts on whether it's worth the headache to make the switch?</p><p>Pros: Potential growth opportunity, looks great on resume, ability to network with more people in the industry, potential higher pay&nbsp;</p><p>Cons: Might be pigeonholed, a "cog" in the machine and less "family feel', more rigidity and formality</p> Job opportunities as a US citizen with a B.arch degree from India janhaveedeosthali 2024-05-30T14:10:32-04:00 >2024-05-31T11:57:23-04:00 <p>I am a US citizen of American nationality. I have recently graduated with B.arch, a five year course from India. I also have a working experience of one year back in India. I wanted help in understanding the employment opportunities as well as jobs for me as an entry-level architectural designer.</p> What are the difficulties of returning to architecture after a career change? JCArchi 2024-05-30T08:58:09-04:00 >2024-05-31T04:46:05-04:00 <p>The short version of this post is that I've been offered a job through a friend as a PM for a structural steel fab shop. The upside is that I'll be doubling my salary, the hours are much better, I get a company truck, and there's room for growth and exploring smaller scale fabrication opportunities. The downside is that I feel like if I take this job I'm giving up on architecture and may have a hard time returning if this new role really isn't for me.</p> <p>I have become less enamored with the profession over the last few years years based on the jobs/roles that I've held, especially the work/life balance in relation to how little I'm paid. I enjoy what's at stake within the profession and have a love for design, but having worked on everything from interior renovations to high-rise design during the last 7-8 years, nothing has quite held my attention. I've had the opportunity to teach undergraduate design studios and really enjoyed that, but it has almost moved me to believe that I need ...</p> Do years of experience count if they were abroad? finngrayson 2024-05-08T17:21:58-04:00 >2024-05-21T11:46:10-04:00 <p>Hi all!</p><p>I am an architect from Latin America living in the U.S. I have roughly 8 years of architecture experience in Latin America and I am curious whether the typical U.S. architecture firm values this experience and whether it would &ldquo;count&rdquo; toward the required years of experience for particular jobs. While I feel my experience is relevant, I recognize that my background doesn&rsquo;t offer a lot of U.S. nuance (e.g., U.S. building code). How much does the country in which I&rsquo;ve worked as an architect matter to architecture firms looking for job candidates?<br></p><p>Appreciate the feedback! Thanks.</p> Do years of experience count if they were abroad? finngrayson 2024-05-08T14:30:00-04:00 >2024-05-10T06:41:31-04:00 <p>Hi all!</p> <p>I am an architect from Latin America living in the U.S. I have roughly 8 years of architecture experience in Latin America and I am curious whether the typical U.S. architecture firm values this experience and whether it would &ldquo;count&rdquo; toward the required years of experience for particular jobs. While I feel my experience is relevant, I recognize that my background doesn&rsquo;t offer a lot of U.S. nuance (e.g., U.S. building code). How much does the country in which I&rsquo;ve worked as an architect matter to architecture firms looking for job candidates?<br></p> <p>Appreciate the feedback! Thanks.</p> Architects as Realtors monosierra 2024-05-03T10:11:00-04:00 >2024-06-05T12:51:08-04:00 <p>Recently, I was surprised to see quite a few acquaintances in the architectural business moonlighting as realtors/brokers/agents. While there are clearly legal and professional distinctions to these titles, I'm using them liberally under one umbrella.<br><br>This led me to wonder why I was surprised in the first place. Did I simply assume work in the realty business is below that of an architect? That seemed presumptuous to say the least.<br><br>There were several legit reasons for doing realty work alongside the daily studio grind: Earning a second income, opportunities to network with potential clients, better understanding the local real estate market, or simply a keen interest in the realty business without actually working in it. Some young entrepreneurial designers found realtor credentials helpful in convincing clients to work with them on the design side.<br><br>What do you guys think - Are there professional ethics concerns? Business benefits?</p> Help! Offer Partner - how to say no, not yet, maybe never? WiscoArchy 2024-05-01T22:58:00-04:00 >2024-05-03T18:16:19-04:00 <p>Hello all,<br></p> <p>First time posting on here as I need some advice.</p> <p>To start with, here is a little bit of a timeline that lead to me being offered ownership at my current firm. </p> <p>2015-2017 Associates in Architectural Technology<br>2016-2019 Worked at a small design firm<br>2019-2021 Worked at my current firm as a designer <br>2021 Became a licensed architect and started managing and designing my own projects.<br>2024 Offered an option to buy in.</p> <p> This all sounds amazing on paper, especially at only 27 years old. However, in 2020, I also started a residential design firm on the side since my employer allowed side residential work. It&rsquo;s been growing the past 4 years and now has the potential to be my full time gig.&nbsp; </p> <p>Im not quite ready to start on the residential stuff full time, but need to give the firm an answer tomorrow. How do I say not right now, without burning the bridge, getting let go tomorrow, and still leaving that door open in the future should the residential side not work out or not be what I...</p> How can I land my first commercial job with only residential experience? hannah_banannah 2024-04-16T13:33:00-04:00 >2024-04-16T16:18:22-04:00 <p><strong>This is technically an&nbsp;*interior* architect question, but I've been having trouble finding many forums just for that field. Hoping someone may be able to help me here.</strong></p> <p>I graduated in 2019 in the US with a BFA in interior architecture, but have forgotten a lot of the technical skills/software/building code info I learned in college. I've spent the last 5 years working at a boutique residential design firm and feel really stuck. There's no upward trajectory here and it never feels like I'm doing meaningful work. It's the only job I've ever had since graduating, so my experience is really limited.<br></p> <p>I'd love to be able to get a job as a junior/entry-level designer at a larger commercial firm, somewhere where they can support your career development alongside the job, enter competitions, sponsorship for NCIDQ exams, etc. But my portfolio needs a major revamp and I have no commercial experience. The most technical real-life construction experience I have is kitchen/bath renovations and cus...</p> Just signed Foster+Partners Elinae 2024-04-09T11:26:00-04:00 >2024-04-12T14:10:08-04:00 <p>Hi!</p> <p>I just signed my first afetr graduation job offer for Architectural assistant part 2 in London UK at F+P. Just wanted to know if anyone here have some insights that could be useful for me before I start?&nbsp;</p> <p>Thanks!</p> Portfolio Medium for Interviews flwrs 2024-04-09T02:32:00-04:00 >2024-04-09T18:58:13-04:00 <p>I'm a young student scheduled to interview in-person for an architectural internship position in a few weeks after only ever interviewing virtually. I would appreciate advice regarding the medium of the portfolio (keep it virtual? print through a service? stapled, booklet, or binder? size and finish? number of copies? is there a professional standard at all?).&nbsp;</p> <p>What is your approach to presenting your portfolio, and if you are an employer, what do you like to see interviewees bring to the meeting? Thanks in advance.&nbsp;</p> Salary Inqury 4th of July 2024-04-08T19:54:00-04:00 >2024-04-10T10:01:36-04:00 <p>What do you think an appropriate salary for a licensed architect working for a developer should be? &nbsp;I oversee a group of five designers, review and sign and seal 100-150 permit sets a year. &nbsp;They are primarily tenant fit outs for light industrial flex buildings. &nbsp;The company pays my errors and omissions insurance. &nbsp;This is in a high cost of living area.</p>