Archinect - University of Manitoba (Sarah) 2024-12-18T18:14:33-05:00 Ditchball Sarah 2005-02-27T21:46:50-05:00 >2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00 <p>Last Friday, the Architecture Student Society hosted the 29th annual Ditchball tournament in front of our Master's studio and lecture hall. Not only does this event bring students together from all years and disciplines in the faculty, but it also gives all students an excuse to take the day off classes. Professors only come to school to stand on top of the ten-foot ditch, and watch their students below. Ditchball is 'sport' invented by some architecture students at the U of Manitoba, and it is the biggest event that is hosted by our student society. I have actually never played the game because I have no desire to lose my teeth, or break a leg. It is extremely rough, and players are required to wear hockey/football gear. Each team must have 5 players in the ditch at a time (including at least one female), and a goal keeper on top of their team bridge at the end of the ditch. The object of the game is to throw the giant, heavy, grey ball from the bottom of the ditch to your g...</p> Spring break does not mean sleep Sarah 2005-02-18T14:19:10-05:00 >2019-05-15T11:31:03-04:00 <p>Well, I've been on Spring Break since last Friday, but instead of spending my break skiing in the mountains, I've been slaving away in front of my computer writing a group-project essay about HVAC problems in my apartment. I think it is difficult to write an essay in a group when everyone is in the same room, but its even harder when my partner is spending her break in New York....but I shouldn't complain because we've had a month and a half to write it. (What doesn't get done last minute in this faculty?)<br><br> During the week before our break, we started and finished our second studio project. Our crits rented some studio space in an old builing in the Exchange District downtown so that we would have more space to build at a one-to-one scale. The building seemed a bit sketchy at first - with electric wires hanging down from the ceiling, condemmed elevators, and rat poison, but our group soon became accustomed to our "penthouse" in the corner which featured wood panel walls, good n...</p> we aren't just architecture students Sarah 2005-02-07T02:40:34-05:00 >2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00 <p>Last Friday, our student council hosted our annual Faculty of Architecture Kaufeehaus. This event brings students from all years and disciplines together to share their many talents. Our main gallery ('CentreSpace') is transformed into a lounge - complete with couches, space to mingle, and a stage with a piano. Interior design students supplied decorative lighting fixtures, while architecture students livened the walls with their black-and-white photography. It was a good chance for students to talk to people outside of their own class, and to see some of the work that has been done in the past month. Students got dressed up, and sat around drinking martinis while watching the people who were confident enough (....or drunk enough) to perform their talents in front of the large audience. There were a wide range of talents, including singing, dancing, and comedy. Unfortunatly, I do not have any pictures to post because I was upstairs most of the night washing martini glasses, o...</p> welcome to my blog Sarah 2005-01-29T22:54:25-05:00 >2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00 <p>I guess I'll get started by welcoming you to my blog. This is one of those many things that I committed to during Christmas break when I was lost without school projects to do, and now I'm wondering how I ever thought I would have the time for it....<br><br> The University of Manitoba is situated in Winnipeg, and is home to about 17,000 students. The Faculty of Architecture has about 275 students studying architecture, landscape archiecture, interior design, and city planning. I am currently in the final semester of a Bachelor of Environmental Design degree - specializing in Architecture. Here's a picture of my school:<br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"><br><br> Our schedule is a bit unorthadox this semester. Our Technology course ran during the first week of January. We spent eight hours a day, 5 days a week learning all about HVAC systems, and green building. Although this might sound a bit boring, I found that the the time just flew by. I'd much rather learn about air quality than Le Corbusier's theories. Who knew that d...</p>