Archinect - SCI-Arc (t.v.)2024-12-26T16:59:33-05:00
Arch Is___ ? Sci-arc Faculty Win A.I.A. "HOT" Young Architects Awards t.v.2010-03-24T15:23:25-04:00>2011-09-23T13:01:18-04:00
<p>Actually the way the award is worded is “talented young architects" not "hot young architects", but I bet it got your attention. <br><br>
The A.I.A. announced Oyler Wu Collaborative (Dwayne Oyler and Jenny Wu) and Emergent (Tom Wiscombe), as its 2010 Arch Is_ winners.<br><br>
Arch Is_ is a juried competition to select 2 talented young architects or architectural designers (or firms/collaborations) to receive a “Young Architectural Talent” award, give a lecture, and be featured in an online publication.<br><br>
The jury composed by Scott Johnson FAIA, Principal of Johnson Fain; Christopher Hawthorne, Architectural Critic for the LA Times; Brook Hodge, Independent Curator; Hitoshi Abe – Chair of the Dept. of Architecture and Urban Design at UCLA.<br><br>
There is a lecture, reception and panel discussion on Monday, April 5 at 6pm at Sci-Arc.<br><br>
So ditch class or skip out of work early to fight the traffic and go. If all else fails stop by get some free food and a drink.<br><br>
And because they are young there is even a ...</p>
Go Vote t.v.2008-11-04T14:29:16-05:00>2011-09-23T13:01:15-04:00
<p>Go Vote!<br><br>
Please go vote and just take an hour form your bussy day to be apart of something historic.<br><br>
go vote! <br><br>
MID-TERMs t.v.2008-10-24T13:42:23-04:00>2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00
<p>OOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Mid-terms<br>
So I had my mid-term last Friday and I have to admit that I was just happy to have something to pin-up. Let me take you back to earlier in the week when I had nothing done. <br>
Monday very unproductive as far as producing work but very informative. I had some time to start to think about the direction my project was going and re-evaluate it. 8:45pm my mid-term changes and I’m feeling positive about the rest of the week. <br>
Wednesday 2:00pm Studio starts and I was somehow elected by my instructors to finish the site model that others in my studio failed to finish. It was during this time those same students, who did not fulfill their responsibilities, sat in studio and had their desk crits and were given the remainder of the time to work on their Mid-term. That only lasted a few hours before I left to go visit our site, which is Mac Arthur Park in Downtown L.A., take photos of the site. I work on my gathering my information after returning from the si...</p>
You are all invited to Sci-arc’s Happy Hour known to us as Fridays @5 (@7). t.v.2008-09-18T21:16:53-04:00>2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00
<p>You are all invited to Sci-arc’s Happy Hour known to us as Fridays @5 (@7).<br>
As most of you all know most schools of architecture have what is called a “happy hour”. Some are once a month or twice a month but very few schools do this every week. Sci-arc has historically called this Fridays at 5pm because that was the time studio ended, but as we all know things change and studio now is 2pm – 7pm. So we have adapted to this by calling it Friday’s @5 @7. <br>
So what is Friday’s @5 @7?<br>
Yes, it is like a happy hour but usually last a bit longer. O.k. really it last a lot longer and is usually followed by one or two after parties in nearby lofts. There are D.J.’s playing music, lights, and large amounts of beer. <br>
Who is invited? everyone?<br>
To put it simply everyone and anyone with little or no interest in architecture & design. <br>
How is it funded?<br>
By the students. The goal is to raise $300 or more for each Friday @ 5.<br>
Who organizes it?<br>
Each studio takes a turn hosting it. This has gi...</p>
LA Forum for Architecture and Urban Design "Pendulum Plane" by OylerWu t.v.2008-08-26T19:27:07-04:00>2011-09-23T13:01:14-04:00
<p>LA Forum for Architecture and Urban Design <br>
"Pendulum Plane" by Oyler Wu Collaborative<br><br>
6520 Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles<br>
Friday, August 29th <br>
@ 7:30 pm<br><br><br>
The LA Forum for Architecture and Urban Design acquired a permanent location thanks to Woodbury University on historic and very famous Hollywood Boulevard. With this new space they decided to hold a competition open to architects and designers. The competition was to design, within a budget, a way to display future exhibitions. The winning design is by Oyler Wu Collaborative, which they call "Pendulum Plane". <br><br><br><br>
I have seen this project from the time before the final models were submitted to the competition and followed it during the fabrication process. Don’t be fooled into thinking they hired metal fabricators to do the work for them. Oyler Wu and their project team have learned the skills necessary to complete the fabrication process. The installation is made of aluminum pipes of various sizes that was shaped and worked in...</p>