Archinect - School of the Art Institute of Chicago (Karl) 2024-12-21T23:07:35-05:00 Radioactive Jell-O mespellrong 2006-11-22T02:16:50-05:00 >2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00 <p>Today in studio we were deep in the preparation for critique week - which is, as far as I know, a unique SAIC tradition. Basically in stead of final exams or some such, a week before the end of term you present all of your work to five faculty members, and they give you formative feedback. I do mean all --- my paper on micro financing tall buildings right next to the eight bronze busts I made.<br><br> But I digress. One of the things we learned about in passing was radioactive Jell-O. "What is radioactive Jell-O?" you may well ask. It is that (as far as I know unique to architecture) tendency to diagram conceptual things into real space using blobs of color. I'll admit that I remain suspicious that it frequently has much explanatory power, but I began to understand today why it might have investigative power. Of course, that didn't prevent me from calling it bull#$! To my instructor, which led to an interesting discussion of communicative diagrams (he hates it when I use graphs, but is too...</p> Continuity mespellrong 2006-11-14T17:58:29-05:00 >2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00 <p>Welcome to the newest kid on the block....<br><br><img src=""><br><br> That's the view from our studio window. 12 stories up in the cupola of one of Sullivan's most famous works, and we get to watch both the construction of the infamous block 37 and the more banal transformation of state street. The best view according to the workers on the rehab of the space was directly out the window - into the dorm across the street. Apparently art students don't know how to use curtains...<br><br><br><br> Last year I was at <a href="" target="_blank">Archeworks</a> and my talented colleague Pamela entertained me with her <a href="" target="_blank">Archinectblog of the experience</a> - it was in many ways like vicariously reliving your school experience from another perspective. So I figured it might be fun to try and do the same for others. Of course, I didn't realize that she had stated her blog while at SAIC - so the whole thing starts to look like a recursive blog - or, for the optimistic, a continuous one, with different contributors.<br><br> I am optimistic about <a href="" target="_blank">SAIC</a> by the way - In searching thro...</p>