Archinect - New York Institute of Technology (Rob Hendrickson)2024-12-21T20:14:02-05:00
Studio Pet to Studio Work RoBBie2005-03-04T23:57:15-05:00>2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00
<p>We have a studio pet. Yes that is right. Today I found a white mouse rooming through my studio spot. It took me half the class to catch him but a slice of bread and a few popcorn crenels, he was safe and sound. I gave him a cap full of water and a nibble of cheese while my studio mate was designing his box. We are looking for names so any suggestions”<br><br>
Other Random Thoughts:<br><br>
What would architecture school be like without everybody's ego? Also now that I-pods are becoming popular nobody talks to anybody. There is a simple exchange of a glance and you are on your way...thinking about what the other person is thinking about.<br><br>
Well as I am ranting and raving I have been up for 28 hours straight. After Design, a faculty member chose a few of my projects to be exhibited for accreditation. I felt honored until I realized that I would be spending hours and hours in the plot shop. <br><br>
Tell me what you guys think?<br><br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"><br><br>
While studying aboard in Berlin, I investigated a recreational island and...</p>
SITEgeist: Nature, Memory, Identity RoBBie2005-02-27T18:00:21-05:00>2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00
<p>Seanie Left out the good pics. After watching Peter blow our minds in the Great Hall....aka the great sea of columns....we decided to grab just a couple of PBR' you can see<br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"><br><br>
After we dished out 150 dollars, we were ready to go. So were else to go but The Bull. So of to the bull we went.<br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"><br>
Mee throwing back the $2 Jagar Shots<br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"><br>
Stephan looking at his reflection<br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"><br>
At a medium pace...blowing away the competition<br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"><br>
Jaq and seanie having a great time<br><br>
The night soon came to an end after going to Webster Hall, Nevada Smith, and finally stumbliing into Penn Station. Taking the 3:40am LiRR train home<br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"></p>
A School Contemporary RoBBie2005-02-23T14:01:02-05:00>2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00
<p>I wish I could stay in school forever. I really do. Traveling from school to school, manipulating theory after theory, building after building. School is the True Essence of our profession. Having those late night critiques from your studio mates where all the bullshit is left at your spot. Sleeping on cardboard then using it for a model in the morning (that's for you seanie). Making the 4:30 am trip to Double D's for coffee. Coming up with horse names for your studio mates:<br><br>
Danny Do-little—Yeah God<br>
Johnny------------ Hung Like A Pony<br>
Victor ------------ At A Medium Pace<br>
Howie------------ aeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaa<br><br>
I forgot the others. Anyways studio is what it's all about. Within my school the studios are segregated. There are no mixed studios, only classes. So the only way to meet the younger students is to go out of our element and walk into their environment. You know hand them a beer, talk to them. A studio companion is a friend for life. We have all bled, cried a...</p>
Getting kicked out RoBBie2005-02-21T02:27:52-05:00>2019-07-15T23:46:03-04:00
<p>When you think about getting kicked out usually you had a good night. Closing down a bar all drunk and rowdy with your friends. All heading to Penn Station getting ready for the drunk LIRR train ride home. <br><br>
In this instance it is a little different. When the building isn't open 24 hours or if it starts to snow, we are all going home. That is right, the Security guards have to come up to Ed Hall and kick all the archi's out of the building. It is funny to walk out with everybody mumbling curses under their breath, carrying all their studio materials. Actually a couple of times the guards had to call the cops. Though kicking us out isn't the smartest thing, it is their job. We are a commuting school so we have to drive home in the snow or dead tired. Don't kill the messenger guy's. <br><br>
I am screwed for studio on Tuesday<br><br></p>
Concept Review RoBBie2005-02-19T20:53:34-05:00>2011-09-23T13:01:02-04:00
<p>Our first review of the semester produced very heated discussions. The only problem was that is was the critiques fighting with each other while the student stood against the wall. <br><br>
My project produced one of these arguments. My investigation was based off the experiences of an individual compared to a group through hybrid program pieces (dressage rink, and an ice hockey rink). The use of a space creates a different sensation within each user. I choose to complete this through warping surfaces to create sectional differences. <br><br>
As we were all pinning up, we were anxious to see who our jurors were. When the jurors first walked in Sean and I looked at each other. It was him. This juror was a professor at the Manhattan Campus. Last semester Sean and I were at Manhattan for a mid-jury. As we were walking around looking at the other students work, we stopped at a studio to see a professor yelling at his student. I have been ripped apart before, but this was bad. He was yellin...</p>
A Slow Sunday RoBBie2005-02-13T22:00:15-05:00>2011-09-23T13:01:02-04:00
<p>After an amazing night in Brooklyn, I am slowly sketching my way through this <br>
hung-over Sunday. I have a concept review this Tuesday so studio is my home for the next couple of days. Hopefully my models and drawing speak for themselves. Cause after all we are space-smiths not word-smiths. <br><br>
Speaking of space, I was sitting in my studio spot ripping through trace after trace. I soon began to wonder about a person's surroundings. So I threw together a little game. <br><br>
The Object is to match the individual, to there surroundings. <br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"><br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"><br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"><br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"><br><br>
Now For their Surroundings<br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"><br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"><br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"><br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"><br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"><br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"><br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"></p>
Pragmatic, programmatic, Poetic. RoBBie2005-02-08T22:49:20-05:00>2011-09-23T13:01:02-04:00
<p>A dramatic organizational technique which can undeniably create complex spaces. Does this mean that these spaces have meaningful experiential implications. Am I just trying to sound smart? I will let you be the judge. <br><br>
How do you start your design process? Within school we are taught to start with an understanding of the general. This understanding will inevitably lead to the detailing of the specific. Is our understanding backwards. I heard an interesting story today about an architect who started each project with a simple detail. Each detail lead to a complete building. I was later informed that this is a design process that was used by Mies Van der Rohe.<br><br>
I began thinking about how this could change a final critique. Within my school, the process is second to your final design. In many critiques, process diagrams and sketch models are left back in the studios.<br><br>
Well, as the semester rolls on the antics begin to emerge. Here are a couple of images to give you the at...</p>
ROUND 1----Ding.....Ding RoBBie2005-02-03T14:54:19-05:00>2011-09-23T13:01:02-04:00
<p>Before we get to the main event of our evening, I would like to thank our sponsors Archinect and Architecture Schools around the globe for contributing to these fine series of SchoolBlogs. <br><br>
Also be sure to attend New York Insitute of Technology's symposium:<br><br>
Black Space : Architecture, Race and <br>
Cultural Identity<br>
6:30 Thursday, February 17, 2005<br>
NYIT 16 West 61st St<br>
11th floor NYC<br><br><br>
The panelists consist of Micheal Henry Adams, Milton Curry, Yolanada Daniels, Mario Gooden, Roderick Knox, Victor Body Lawson, Jack Travis, Roberta Washington<br><br>
As soon as my classmates and I sat down for our first communal charette I heard the bell. NYIT was become a hybrid architecture school. With the ground preemies of old school vs new school. My avant-garde year and studio is comprised of the more dare to be great architects. We challe...</p>
An........Action RoBBie2005-01-24T14:40:20-05:00>2011-09-23T13:01:02-04:00
<p>We are officially back, That right. I can already smell that studio aroma. The sad thing is that this aroma has no heat. All my classes were canceled today because there is no heat in our building. Well maybe I shouldn't call it a building. Here....let me paint you a picture. The architecture building sits about a five minute drive into the landscape of <a href="" target="_blank">NYiT</a>. It used to be an old horse stable...old timber construction with a slate roof. Don't get me wrong it is a beautiful stable....and makes for unique studio spaces. But SHOW ME THE HEAT.<br><br>
Tuesday is the day when it all starts. Design VI, yeah baby, long span structure. I don't know what the program is but I will tomorrow. What I do know is this: I am glad to be back with all the arcies and Sean and I are going to take you on an amazing ride through the life of a Tech Archi-torture student. <br></p>