Archinect - Marcelo Gardinetti 2024-07-26T21:07:35-04:00 Roman Colosseum Marcelo Gardinetti 2023-10-21T12:16:06-04:00 >2024-04-22T04:38:54-04:00 <p>The <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Roman Colosseum</a>, built in the 1st century AD, is one of the iconic monuments of ancient Rome. It was designed to host public events such as gladiatorial contests, mock naval battles and theatrical performances. With a capacity of between 50,000 and 80,000 people, its monumentality is reflected in its name, 'Colosseum', which means 'colossal' or 'giant'. Built by the emperors Vespasian and Titus, it was inaugurated in 80 AD with a series of spectacular games and celebrations that lasted for 100 days. </p> <p>History of the Colosseum - Flavian Amphitheatre </p> <p>The first great amphitheatre to be built in Rome was in the Field of Mars, built in 29 BC by the Roman consul Statilius Taurus. However, this building was destroyed by the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD, which reduced the amphitheatre to ashes. After the fire, Emperor Nero appropriated much of the land to build his residence, the Domus Aurea. An artificial lagoon was also built and the aqueduct Aqua Claudia was extended to reach this...</p> Festina Lente Marcelo Gardinetti 2023-09-19T11:35:41-04:00 >2023-12-29T14:15:40-05:00 <p>Festina Lente, Adnan Alagic, Bojan Kanli&#263; y Amila Hrustic </p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Festina Lente</a> is a Latin expression that gives its name to this bridge over the Miljacka River in the city of Sarajevo. It means 'to hurry slowly' and suggests proceeding with a sense of urgency, but also with careful and deliberate attention to detail. Although this is seemingly paradoxical advice, it encourages a balanced approach to tasks, emphasising the importance of neither rushing nor taking too much time. </p> <p>Built to connect the iconic building of the Vienna Secession - now the Academy of Fine Arts - with the opposite bank of the river, where a vital part of the city unfolds, this passageway is intended to become a symbol of a unified community. </p> <p>A symbolic link in the city </p> <p>The bridge represents the union of the secular and the spiritual, the link between the past and the present, between history and the flow of modern life. The loop of the bridge represents a symbolic gateway to the historic cities, charact...</p> Le Corbusier Curutchet House: the beginnings Marcelo Gardinetti 2023-09-14T17:44:05-04:00 >2023-09-24T22:31:08-04:00 <p>Doctor Pedro Curutchet wrote to an architect living in the city of Buenos Aires to design his future home/office, but the architect did not respond to his request. The architect's lack of interest and his desire to create a work that would incorporate the spatial qualities of the unique enclave led him to search for an architect who could express the spirit of modernity, such as Le Corbusier. </p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Curutchet</a> prepared a dossier containing the cadastral plan, photographs of the site and a letter expressing his intention to commission him, together with a brief programme of requirements: three bedrooms with two bathrooms, a service bedroom with toilet, a living-dining room and a garage, as well as the consulting room and waiting room. Curutchet was particularly concerned to enhance the views from the living room and bedrooms onto the tree-lined boulevard 53 and the forest: "the sun and the panorama must be incorporated into the house". </p> <p>The file travelled to Paris in the hands of his si...</p> Kazimir Malevich, supremacy of sensibility Marcelo Gardinetti 2023-09-14T11:49:10-04:00 >2023-09-14T16:02:13-04:00 <p>After passing through Impressionism and the figurative arts, Kazimir Malevich set out in search of a new representation of pictorial art, far removed from any historical reference. Influenced by the geometric fragmentation of <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Cubism</a> and the dynamics of the image proposed by Futurism, Malevich sought to eliminate any notion of volume in his painting. His aim was to erase objects from the canvas. To liberate painting from any objective representation, from any socio-historical reference. Malevich waged a tenacious spiritual battle to achieve the supremacy of plastic sensibility in his painting. </p> <p>While developing his new artistic concept, Malevich was commissioned to design the costumes for the Futurist opera Victory Over the Sun, a story about a group of peasants who set out to conquer the sun. Malevich composed an unprecedented formal repertoire for a theatrical work. He designed geometric costumes made of cardboard, painted in bright colours, similar to his cubo-futurist paintings...</p> Eye Bank Foundation, Emilio Ambasz Marcelo Gardinetti 2023-08-26T16:37:54-04:00 >2023-08-26T16:37:54-04:00 <p>Banca degli occhi foundation</p> <p>The <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Fondazione Banca degli Occhi</a> carries out various activities related to eye research and transplantation. The 5,000 square metre medical centre houses surgical facilities, stem cell research laboratories, an eye treatment centre, the EIDON Foundation's educational centre, as well as a 450-seat auditorium and administrative and service facilities. </p> <p>The site of the foundation is flat, very close to a main road and a branch of the local railway. The triangular-shaped building is defined by a series of individual design decisions that combine to form its architecture. These formal definitions are clearly identified and formulated independently of each other. </p> <p>The walls of the triangular layout </p> <p>The building is set in a triangular-shaped architectural body. It is contained in its two sides visible from the road by two 12-metre high trapezoidal walls. These blind planes are arranged at right angles to each other, with sloping lateral sides. The walls...</p> Herzog & de Meuron Elbphilharmonie Marcelo Gardinetti 2023-08-19T16:04:24-04:00 >2023-08-19T16:08:00-04:00 <p>Una caracter&iacute;stica llamativa de la arquitectura de la nueva <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Filarm&oacute;nica de Elba</a> es la fusi&oacute;n de dos edificios atemporales. El antiguo edificio, originalmente destinado a almac&eacute;n, ha sido reforzado, sin desconocer que su mala calidad constructiva podr&iacute;a dar lugar a su demolici&oacute;n.</p> <p>La nueva Filarm&oacute;nica se asienta sobre el antiguo almac&eacute;n y tiene la misma geometr&iacute;a en planta, pero crea un espacio entre lo antiguo y lo nuevo. De esta forma, el volumen inferior conserva el car&aacute;cter r&uacute;stico y pesado del edificio portuario, mientras que el volumen superior ofrece una experiencia sensorial diferente. Las superficies curvas de la Philharmonie y las ondulaciones del techo sustentan la ligereza estructural de la sala. Tambi&eacute;n aportan una identidad formal con una apariencia variable creada por el reflejo de la luz y el agua en los paneles de vidrio curvo. </p> <p>Se crea un gran espacio p&uacute;blico entre los dos bloques, lo que permite a los visitantes experimentar la ciudad desde un punto de vista privi...</p> Marcel Breuer, Ariston Club Marcelo Gardinetti 2023-04-17T12:24:46-04:00 >2024-05-13T13:23:40-04:00 <p>En 1947, el arquitecto h&uacute;ngaro <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Marcel Breuer</a> visit&oacute; Argentina invitado por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. </p> <p>Su estad&iacute;a apareci&oacute; ocho semanas, durante las cuales el maestro de la Bauhaus dict&oacute; un curso de arquitectura y dise&ntilde;o y particip&oacute; en un proyecto de urbanizaci&oacute;n con estudiantes de la facultad de arquitectura del sur de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Adem&aacute;s de sus actividades acad&eacute;micas, Marcel Breuer imparti&oacute; cinco conferencias sobre temas arquitect&oacute;nicos. </p> <p>La Universidad de Buenos Aires nombr&oacute; a Breuer como asesor del comit&eacute; para redactar el plan de construcci&oacute;n del edificio de la Universidad y recibi&oacute; una propuesta formal para presidir la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad, que Breuer no decidi&oacute;. </p> <p>Breuer fue convocado por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata para crear y dirigir una nueva Facultad de Arquitectura, tarea que prosigui&oacute; meses despu&eacute;s de salir del pa&iacute;s, sin resultados positivos. </p> <p>El art&iacute;fice de la visita de Marcel Breuer a la Argentina fue Eduardo C...</p> Coop Himmelblau, the explosion of the functionalist box Marcelo Gardinetti 2021-09-15T18:36:19-04:00 >2023-06-29T16:09:29-04:00 <p>A principios de 1990, Frans Haks, director del Museo Groninger, le pidi&oacute; a Alessandro Mendini que dise&ntilde;ara la ampliaci&oacute;n del museo en el canal en el borde del sitio del edificio hist&oacute;rico. Mendini podr&aacute; atomizar el programa en tres partes, con el fin de diluir el impacto del edificio en su entorno1. Proponer un esquema lineal para unificar las tres &aacute;reas y planificar las &aacute;reas administrativas y de servicios. Para el dise&ntilde;o de los pabellones expositivos, Mendini invit&oacute; a Philipe Starck, Michele de Lucchi y Coop Himmelblau2 a cada dise&ntilde;o de una parte del edificio.&nbsp; </p> <p>En esos a&ntilde;os, <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Coop Himmelblau</a> estaba en una b&uacute;squeda persistente para desarticular el objeto arquitect&oacute;nico. Su m&eacute;todo de trabajo investiga la definici&oacute;n de la forma arquitect&oacute;nica mediante un boceto gr&aacute;fico que surge de un impulso creativo originado en el subconsciente. El dise&ntilde;o del Pabell&oacute;n Este del Museo de Groningen es el resultado de esta acci&oacute;n. Un boceto que llam&oacute; "Arquitectura l&iacute;quida" porque representa una peq...</p> The distensions of space in Zaha Hadid Marcelo Gardinetti 2021-09-15T18:22:32-04:00 >2023-06-29T16:11:33-04:00 <p>En t&eacute;rminos de investigaci&oacute;n metodol&oacute;gica, el trabajo inicial de Zaha Hadid fue el m&aacute;s fruct&iacute;fero. En ellos explora y reformula b&uacute;squedas de las vanguardias de principios del siglo XX abortadas por las condiciones pol&iacute;ticas de esos a&ntilde;os. </p> <p>Las ra&iacute;ces gen&eacute;ticas de estos trabajos se encuentran en el lenguaje suprematista de <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Kazimir Malevich</a>. El tr&aacute;nsito por la obra del artista ruso comenz&oacute; en su estudio de tesis, un complejo hotelero en el r&iacute;o T&aacute;mesis. El proyecto adapta la morfolog&iacute;a de los "Arkhitektons". Su prop&oacute;sito no era retomar iconograf&iacute;as del movimiento moderno, sino forjar una estrategia para revelar nuevos campos constructivos a partir de esas obras. </p> <p>Como describi&oacute; Hal Foster, la pintura suprematista fue vista como un aplanamiento radical del plano pict&oacute;rico; Hadid lo utiliza como una irrupci&oacute;n dram&aacute;tica en el espacio-tiempo infinito, en un intento de "forzar la apertura" de sus objetos, de "comprimir y expandir mismo" sus espacios, de intensificar y liberar sus estruct...</p>