Archinect - Izmir University of Economics Department of Architecture 2024-07-27T00:16:25-04:00 ID+F First Day Is In the Can! Michael Young 2015-05-12T04:55:05-04:00 >2015-05-13T22:14:58-04:00 <p><strong>Monday was the first day of the Integrated Design + Fabrication workshop at Izmir University of Economics Dept. of Architecture</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img alt="groupphoto" src=""></a></p><p>our beautiful group!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>After introducing the aims and objectives for the week ahead, Elcin and Mostapha introduced performance-based criteria for facade design and the typologies of responses to the performance criteria. (they have chosen radiation, daylight, glare, and expression)</p><p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img alt="IMG_0643" src=""></a></p><p>The students then worked through basic concepts and techniques for modeling a rotating vertical shading device using grasshopper.</p><p>We are looking forward to another great day, Tuesday, when we begin to get our feet wet with Ladybug analysis!</p> Integrated Design and Fabrication Workshop Michael Young 2015-05-10T15:07:59-04:00 >2015-05-11T21:13:22-04:00 <p><em>11 May &ndash; 17 May 2015, Izmir University of Economics Department of Architecture</em></p><p>El&ccedil;in Ertu&#287;rul and Mostapha Sadeghipor Roudsari (Thornton Tomasetti CORE | Studio)</p><p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img alt="workshop poster 2" src=";h=383"></a><br><strong>Description: </strong>The workshop will focus on developing design processes which uses parametric modeling and environmental analysis and fabrication techniques to drive design a responsive skin by analytical data. Workshop includes series of hands-on lectures and design studio.<br><strong>Objectives :</strong></p><ul><li>To demonstrate the ability to understand the processes of design to fabrication</li><li>To prepare a parametric model and rethink</li><li>traditional forms of &lsquo;program&rsquo;</li><li>To familiarize with the principles of building environmental design</li><li>To practice integration of building performance into architectural design process</li><li>To practice process of rapid prototyping</li></ul><p>Website : <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br><strong>Software :</strong></p><ul><li>Rhino 3D Version 5.0 (<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>)</li><li>Grasshopper (<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>)</li><li>Ladybug (<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></li></ul> Summary and Concluding Discussions: Challenges for the Future Michael Young 2015-04-27T13:28:20-04:00 >2015-05-04T18:58:39-04:00 <p><strong>TRANS_ARCH_EDU Panel_03 titled &ldquo;Summary and Concluding Discussions: Challenges for the Future&rdquo; will be moderated by Assist. Prof. Dr. Tugyan Aytac&nbsp;Dural.</strong></p><p><img alt="Guzden Varinlioglu's photo." src=";oe=55E3AC4A"></p><p>Born in &#304;stanbul in 1959. Graduated from TED Ankara Collage in 1977. Studied architecture in the Department of Architecture in Middle East Technical University. She received her M.Arch degree and PhD at the same faculty. Her PhD Thesis &ldquo;THEATRE-ARCHITECTURE-EDUCATION: theatre as a paradigm for introductory architectural design education&rdquo; (2002), and the book &ldquo;Basic Design/Basic Education&rdquo; (1998) that she edited (co-editor: Teymur, N.), were both published by METU Faculty of Architecture Publications. After working for 21 years, she retired from METU Faculty of Architecture and worked in the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design at Ba&#351;kent University for three and a half years. She had been a visiting instructor in the Department of Architecture at Politechnico di Bari, Italy (2002-2003).</p><p>Her major field of rese...</p> Interdisciplinary Strategies in Architectural Education Michael Young 2015-04-27T13:19:52-04:00 >2022-03-09T12:01:08-05:00 <p><strong>TRANS_ARCH_EDU Panel_02 titled &ldquo;Interdisciplinary Strategies in Architectural Education&rdquo; will be moderated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Osman&nbsp;Demirbas<br>from 13:30 until 15:30 on 29 April 2015</strong><br>Izmir University of Economics Faculty of Fine Arts and Design</p><p><img alt="Guzden Varinlioglu's photo." src=";oe=55DDF112&amp;__gda__=1439949059_bd864d0e5d8954b21554d2d3a0cf45ce"></p><p>After graduating from the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, Dr. Demirba&#351; studied the effects of environmental psychology factors in the design studio setting for the Master&rsquo;s study. During the PhD, he studied the process of design education through Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) of Kolb and the effects of learning styles in design education. Dr. Demirba&#351; is still teaching at the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design and he is the Director of The Graduate School of Social Sciences at Izmir University of Economics. He worked as an an Executive Board Member of the International Federation of Interior Architects and Designers (IFI) between 2011-2014. He has published several academic papers in different international journal...</p> THE NEED FOR ARCHITECTURAL MATERIALISM Michael Young 2015-04-27T13:16:41-04:00 >2015-05-04T19:00:02-04:00 <p>Architecture has always been a transformation of materials into human shelters in various types of natural and social space. The fast invasion of computers during the last 20-30 years has generated a virtual kind of space with its own virtual architecture. The novel digital tools offer great possibilities in architectural practice, both in the design and production of buildings, transforming radically the way architects work and create.</p><p>They also transform architectural education, as the architecture curriculum is being rapidly de-materialized, with digital-based courses displacing conventional ones. In the current enthusiasm about digital design, a leading emphasis is given to the geometric aspects of buildings as virtual objects, with anaemic coverage of their spatial materiality and the dynamics of time.</p><p>As a direct witness of architectural education for over three decades, I can identify certain tendencies among average students:- a gradual diminishing of their &rsquo;analogue&rsquo; skills, ...</p> HALF-A-CENTURY IN ARCHITECTURAL EDUCATION Michael Young 2015-04-27T13:07:52-04:00 >2015-04-27T13:07:52-04:00 <p><strong>T&uuml;rel Saranl&#305; will be speaking at the TRANS_ARCH_EDU morning panel on</strong><br><strong>29 April Wednesday, 13:30</strong><br>&#304;zmir University of Economics, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design</p><p><img alt="Guzden Varinlioglu's photo." src=";oe=55A7B9C3&amp;__gda__=1436938709_1b358b90fe246d9daca8c68aceb3cf8e"></p><p>T&uuml;rel Saranl&#305;, a professor of professors, is an architect and a lecturer at Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara. He received his B.ARCH from METU in 1962 and M.ARCH from Pratt Institute in 1964. Since 1970, he has been leading basic design and professional practice classes at METU. He has completed numerous national and international projects as an architect and as a consultant.</p> TRANS_ARCH_EDU Panel coming up! Michael Young 2015-04-27T13:02:19-04:00 >2015-05-01T18:09:55-04:00 <p><strong>TRANS_ARCH_EDU will be held on 29 April 2015 from 10:30 - 16:30<br>Izmir University of Economics Faculty of Fine Arts and Design</strong></p><p><br><img src=";h=&amp;crop=1"></p><p><strong>Panel on the Transformation of Architectural Education </strong></p><p>In the 10th year anniversary of the Department of Architecture at the Izmir University of Economics, this panel aims to provide a shared platform for exploring approaches to address new directions in architectural education. The participants are asked to focus on the acute issues at the intersection of two thematic sessions, one being concerned with emerging computational design approaches, and the other with interdisciplinary frameworks in architectural education. The panel is dedicated to fostering a constructive dialogue between leading academics and practitioners concerned with ideas that will take architectural education forward.</p><p><strong>Theme 1: The Role of Computational Design in Architecture</strong></p><p>Advances in digital computing not only challenge traditional ways of conceptualizing buildings but also impact on the n...</p> Role of Computational Design in Architecture Michael Young 2015-04-27T12:59:45-04:00 >2015-05-04T18:58:15-04:00 <p><strong>TRANS_ARCH_EDU Panel_01 on &ldquo;Role of Computational Design in Architecture&rdquo;<br>will be moderated by Asst.&nbsp; Prof. Dr. Guzden&nbsp;Varinlioglu on 29 April Wednesday, 10:30</strong><br>&#304;zmir University of Economics, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design</p><p><img alt="Guzden Varinlioglu's photo." src=";oe=55D91733&amp;__gda__=1440693285_c63e92a0aebf733ff9d117fd661ef0b5"></p><p>Through the course of Guzden Varinlioglu&rsquo;s undergraduate education in architecture at METU and her graduate education in graphic design at Bilkent University, she became interested in digital technology and its contribution to the preservation and presentation of cultural heritage. Her research period in Texas A&amp;M University in 2010 was followed a the PhD degree from the Program of Art, Design and Architecture in Bilkent University.</p><p>Her research responded to the lack of systematic methodology for the collection, preservation and dissemination of data in cultural heritage studies. In 2011, Guzden received a post-doc position in architectural design computing at ITU. In January 2013, she started her post doctoral studies at the Center of Digital Humanities at UCLA. Sinc...</p> WHY INTERDISCIPLINARY? WHY NOW? DESIGN PRACTICE AS A MODEL FOR ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN EDUCATION Michael Young 2015-04-27T12:54:45-04:00 >2015-05-04T19:00:56-04:00 <p>Being multi-, inter- and trans-disciplinary is a distinctive characteristic of architecture and all design practices. Starting with the program (or problem definition), through design conception, development and construction, all the way to accommodation, architectural practice inevitably and essentially necessitates the involvement and integration of a wide range of disciplines. It is hard to think of any other practice that involves as many disciplines as architecture does. Yet, we still feel the need to discuss the importance of interdisciplinarity, to emphasize the necessity of incorporating interdisciplinary strategies while talking about its education. Why interdisciplinarity? Why now?</p><p>Here, I argue that a critical assessment of the current models of architecture education and the need for adopting a fresh look leads us to go back to its basic premises, and to rethinking what architectural practice is. I suggest a reorganization of architecture education around themes, topics, ...</p> BODILY EXPERIENCE AS A KEY TO NEW DIGITAL ENCOUNTERS Michael Young 2015-04-27T12:51:04-04:00 >2015-05-04T19:03:18-04:00 <p>The transition from craft to mechanic production over the first half of the twentieth century led to an aesthetic crisis, in Herbert Marcuse&rsquo;s words, the division of &lsquo;thought and action&rsquo;, &lsquo;conception and execution&rsquo;, &lsquo;hand and mind&rsquo;, in several disciplines, including the field of architecture. Architectural discourse, theory and practice today have to additionally deal with a new crisis arising from the encounter with digital media. The role of computers in the more creative aspects of architectural design is still however, limited and the promise of digital tools heralding a new era in our ways of designing is far from being realized. There has been huge gap between what is theoretically possible with computation and current practice; between the potential of digital media and actual usage by architects. On one hand architecture has seen the widespread adoption of computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM) as representation tools in the last 2 decades. On the...</p> VIRTUAL RECONSTRUCTIONS Michael Young 2015-04-24T04:29:06-04:00 >2015-04-27T19:11:59-04:00 <p>Since the early nineties, virtual reconstructions are part of the architectural education in the department Information and Communication Technologies in Architecture at the Technische Universit&auml;t Darmstadt (Germany). In an interdisciplinary cooperation with the department of art history numerous projects were carried out. A lot of them were shown in exhibitions in Germany. The possibility that their work would be part of a professional exhibition was a great motivation for the students.</p><p>In the speech Marc Grellert will show a selection of the work in Darmstadt and talk about the potentials, the procedures and the different forms of presentation of virtual reconstructions. A focus will be the transformation of virtual models into physical models through rapid prototyping.</p><p><strong>29 April Wednesday, 11:30</strong><br>&#304;zmir University of Economics, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design</p><p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img alt="1523227_10152872474146242_4473737464369258073_o" src=""></a></p><p>Dr. Marc Grellert teaches in the Department Digital Design[1] and is co-founder of the company Architectura Virtualis[2]. The foc...</p> TENUOUS INTERFACES: TECHNOLOGY, CREATIVITY AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Michael Young 2015-04-22T04:29:57-04:00 >2015-04-27T19:09:48-04:00 <p>Recent developments in architectural discourse mark a radical shift in focus. While such discourse was centered around the theme of criticality and meaning until the beginning of the 21st century, recent emphasis is on efficacy and production. I argue that the two trends are not necessarily mutually exclusive and the locus of architectural creativity lies at the realization that the architectural product is always already a historically determined cultural product.</p><p><strong>Professor Baydar will be speaking at the TRANS_ARCH_EDU morning panel on<br>29 April Wednesday, 10:30</strong><br>&#304;zmir University of Economics, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design</p><p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img alt="17302_657078314398170_8182920190071332401_n" src=""></a></p><p>Prof. G&uuml;ls&uuml;m Baydar received her Ph.D. degree in architectural history at the University of California, Berkeley. She taught design, history and theory courses at universities in the US, Singapore, Australia and Turkey. She is presently the chair of the Architecture Department at Ya&#351;ar University, &#304;zmir. Her work lies at the intersections between architectural and ot...</p> Trans_Arch_Edu Michael Young 2015-04-20T05:10:12-04:00 >2015-04-27T19:06:55-04:00 <p><img title="" alt="" src=""><strong>Panel on the Transformation of Archi</strong><strong>tectural Education </strong></p><p>In the 10th year anniversary of the Department of Architecture at the Izmir University of Economics, this panel aims to provide a shared platform for exploring approaches to address new directions in architectural education. The participants are asked to focus on the acute issues at the intersection of two thematic sessions, one being concerned with emerging computational design approaches, and the other with interdisciplinary frameworks in architectural education. The panel is dedicated to fostering a constructive dialogue between leading academics and practitioners concerned with ideas that will take architectural education forward.</p><p><strong>Theme 1: The Role of Computational Design in Architecture</strong></p><p>Advances in digital computing not only challenge traditional ways of conceptualizing buildings but also impact on the nature of the relationship between design, construction, and habitation. The theme however requires further elaboration and t...</p>