Archinect - IFDC Master course (International Facade Design and Construction)2024-11-23T06:26:33-05:00
Our last book: Product Development and Architecture IFDC International Facade Design and Construction2013-05-03T08:01:14-04:00>2013-05-03T08:02:39-04:00
... just received the copies of our latest book about "Product development Architecture" ... check it out!</p>
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IFDC Master course (International Facade Design and Construction) IFDC International Facade Design and Construction2013-04-18T05:06:24-04:00>2020-08-13T14:09:19-04:00
<img alt="" src="" title="">Over the past twenty years, modern technologies and high functional demands have made many specialisations necessary for planning-related professions in the fields of construction and architecture. As a new comer façade planning is undisputedly high on the list of the most demanding and versatile professional specialisations. Here, legal, physical, material-technological, structural-design and particular architectural and aesthetic issues converge.</p>
The master of International Façade Design and Construction provides an extensive overview and the scientific foundation of the field of façade planning and consulting, but also enables personal specialization.</p>
We offer a fully accredited Master course with a fundamental education in the field of building envelopes. The title offered is "Master of Engineering". The course consists of four terms and can be conducted on-the-job.</p>
<strong>Apply now - we constantly accept application! Deadline for applicants from outside Europe is June 30th!</strong></p>